One of the recurring problems Filipinos face is the inability to finance medicines and hospitalization for sick family members. Aside from medicines and hospital bills in the Philippines are expensive, the government health insurance could not cover everything and only a few have private insurance.
If you are one of those who is in desperate need, an office that the government created to augment some medical needs of Filipinos, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) can be approached to give you some medical assistance. Here is a helpful tip on how to approach the said office.

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1. The first thing to do is to ask for Clinical Abstract from the doctor or if many doctors, from one of the doctors in charge of the patient. The clinical abstract contains the medicines needed for the patient with the prices, the professional fees and hospital services needed, the signature and license number of the doctor in charge of the patient and the hospital official if necessary.
2. The second step is to ask for the Official Hospital Billing Statement from the hospital officials especially from the finance department. This is not the ordinary hospital bill from the automated computer of the hospital, this require the signature of those in charged to release the bill and the hospital seal. Just ask the finance department of the hospital whom to approach to and explain the need to have this for PCSO purposes.
3. The next step is to ask a certification from the Barangay Captain certifying that you are a relative of the patient and you are incapable of paying for your hospital bills. This is so because PCSO will only help those who are in need and cannot afford to pay for hospital bills.
4. Before proceeding to the office of the PCSO, you must prepare a letter addressed to the manager or the chairman stating the condition of your patient and your need for assistance. You must state there why it is necessary to ask for help. It is preferred that the letter is simple as it can be, no need to use deep words. It is also preferred that the letter is in Tagalog as it is the official Filipino language in the Philippines. For instance, the letter should start with your greetings or salutation, then say that your patient is having heart operation and needs immediate assistance, then explain that you already spend all your money for the hospitalization and needs some assistance now and end it with a closing salutation. It is like an ordinary letter sent to a friend when you seek help.
If you live far from Manila where the main office is, you can search and look for the regional office of the PCSO in your area and channel your requested need to them. You can ask for someone who is familiar with how to process the papers to be fast in your transactions. As expected, this is not an automatic medical assistance that you can receive help right away, you must comply with the requirements to finally receive help, so be patient enough to process everything needed for your family.
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