3 Ways to Edit a PDF File

The PDF (or Portable Document Format) is a file format often used for electronic books and magazines, brochures, comic books, important forms and documents, and many others. It’s a wonderful format that allows you to preserve graphic images and texts on your files. A PDF is very easy to open, read, navigate, print, and send to others as long as you have installed a free Acrobat Reader.

Editing a PDF, however, can be a bit tricky. Unlike common formats such as Microsoft Word, Excel, or Publisher, not everyone can easily alter the files right away. You need to do a few things (or use a few tools) to successfully do your modifications.

Read also: Convert JPEG File to Word Document

Here are three ways to do that:

1. Use Acrobat

Adobe Acrobat can be very useful for creating and editing PDF files.

Simply open the file and then enable the Advanced Editing feature by going to “Tools” then “Advanced Editing.” Also click “Show Advanced Editing Toolbar” so you can begin editing the file.

If you want to edit an image (or several images), just use the “Touch up Objects” feature found at the right end of Advanced Editing toolbar. Click on the image and choose “Edit Image.” You will either be led to Photoshop or another appropriate software that lets you tweak the graphic.

For changing page order, you may click on “View”, go to “Navigation Panels” and “Pages.” Click the page thumbnails and drag them one by one to the desired page number.

For text editing, go to “Advanced Editing” tool bar and then click “Touch up Text Editing.” Proceed with editing the text but be sure to use an identical font as the existing one.

2. Check out Inkscape

Go to the official Inkscape website and download the software. Choose the corresponding OS for your system and start installing the program. Once done, go to “File” and then click “Open.” Select your PDF and then click the “A” found on the left side of the program window.

Inkscape has plenty of interesting features that make PDF tweaking really easy such as the Calligraphy tool, the Pencil tool, and many others.

3. Try an online converter

There are actually a lot of PDF to Word converters available on the internet. You can visit these services and utilize their free tools. Open a search engine and key in the words “PDF to Word converter” and you will find many sites you can use. You will need to upload your PDF file and then they’ll convert it into Word format for you. Depending on the file size, conversion may take a while. Some sites will allow you to download the converted file while others will just deliver it to your inbox. When you’re finished editing, you can also convert the file back to PDF using the same tools.

Some top free sites that often get positive reviews include UniPDF, PDF Online, Convert PDF to Word, Convert Online Free, Convert My PDF to Word, NitroCloud, and Free File Converter.

With these tricks, editing a PDF file should never be a hassle for you.

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