5 Programs every college student must have

They say that education is the best investment and that it is your only weapon in life. Yes, it is important because it is and will be the foundation for your knowledge, self, and how you cope with relationships. In our times, the computer makes everything easier no matter how hard our jobs are, how tough school may be; technology really makes lives easier. In this article, you are about to know 5 of the best programs that every college student must have on their computers.

Audio Notetaker

Note taking is probably one of the things that college students do almost every day. This is important in order to remember and to take note of what’s important that was mentioned by the mentor or professor. With this program, you won’t ever have the dilemma that almost all college students have: take notes or focus on the lecture?

The program analyzes recorded audio to produce bars of speech that are easy to navigate. This is cool because you can listen to the lecture by having it recorded detailed, marked, and easily stored, and take the notes while you listen to the recording. Although the program only offers a 30-day trial, it is not so bad because it will definitely help you a lot.


Brainstorming is one of the toughest parts of college and this is because an awful lot of ideas and thoughts emerge. XMind will help you get rid of those because this app is made for those kinds of dilemma and conflict.

The program lets you compile all of the ideas in one panel that can help you come up with ideas and decisions faster because you see all in one picture. This can be useful in planning projects, proposals, studies, and many more that requires a group effort. The app is free and you can get it here.

PDF Creator

Presentation of your work matters because it will make your mentors or professors think that you have prepared for it properly. Submitting your written files from writing programs such as OpenOffice Word or MS Word is most often undermining. However, submitting it in PDF form makes it look like it is done professionally, neatly, and better.

Read: Three ways to edit PDF File

PDF Creator is a great tool to convert your text files into PDF. This one is great because: it is simple and easy to use. You would not have a hard time navigating through the system because it lets out everything in just the application. Second is that it is free and you can check this link. Third is that it asks you information when you decide to convert it to PDF such as author, title, keywords, etc.


Papers, write-ups, and any other college writing requirement makes you have to include bibliography or citation to show proof of where you found the information you have discussed; and of course to avoid criminal cases like plagiarism and copyright issues.

Whether it should be MLA or APA style, Easybib can definitely assist you with that. It is a system that automatically makes bibliographies for you so that you would not have the hardest time trying to configure how you should cite sources that would stand your study.


Almost everyone, not only students need to have this program for better vocabulary and to avoid having grammatical errors such as subject-verb agreement, punctuations, and so on. This is important, especially to those who write and for those who read.

This application is mainly about finding the definition of tricky words, words that are blurred, and words that make no sense to them at all. One cool feature of this program is that you can see what words other people nearby are looking for thus, creating the leverage for you if a test or something in your class comes up.

These are only five (5) of the essential programs and applications college students must have in order to aid them in their study. There are a lot more; so stay tuned and be thrilled and educated as to what programs and applications are recommended to a certain type of job, person, career, or business.

Read Also: Seven useful computer programs you need to have in hand

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