5 Tricks to Magically Make your Resume More Attractive to Employers

In landing a job, your resume is your key weapon to suffice your strengths and abilities; without it, you might have a hard time in finding a job that would be tailor-fit for you.  Are you a fresh graduate who is looking for a job?  Or are you already floating for so many months now that you feel that no employer would ever hire you?  Every day, people from different regions of the Philippines flock and travel to destinations where they can get opportunities.

Resume plays a very important role in job applications.  Although HR personnel or employers won’t dwell much on one’s resume, you still need to make sure that it can give them the best impression.  In this article, we are going to give you a few of the best tips to make your resume more attractive so that you will have the confidence in pursuing job applications.

Read: How to write a good CV or Resumé

Simplicity is beauty

Don’t try to insert flashy or colorful templates to your resume.  Avoid using informal fonts like Comic Sans and French Script because it can be more difficult to read.  Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri are the fonts that you should use instead.  Try avoiding setting font sizes to 10 and below because it can be a major turn-off for employers.  Use bullet points to present your skills and avoid creating paragraphs.  Hey, this is a resume not an article.

Power Words

Many people miss to use power words to influence readers of their resumes more.  Words like exceed, led, planned, excellent, managed, and a lot more are the words you can utilize to make your sentences more appealing.  Avoid adding very to the words; try to look for the exact word instead of adding the prefix very.

It’s not a novel

Many employees would think that having a 3-page resume can get them higher chances of landing the job.  The answer to that?  – No.  As a matter of fact, the longer your resume, the harder it is for employers to determine if you are suitable for the position or not.  By having a longer resume, you’re doing nothing but creating noise for yourself.  Keep it straight and concise; let the employers get what they want in one single blow.  Avoid putting irrelevant information on there because those might be the reason for your failing.

Include relevant information Only

When you’re applying to be a manager, do you think the HR would care if you’ve taken musical lessons?  As much as possible, make your skills in line with the position you are aiming for.  Eradicate erroneous information in there and make sure to just put in skills that would be a help for you to land the position.

Summary of skills/qualifications

HR or employers would want to know from the beginning what you can contribute to the company.  You can have this set on your resume by putting a summary of your qualifications on the top pat of your resume.  It should be concise and it should highlight your skills and experiences.  An example would be:

Art Director with a 2-year experience in multimedia designing and development.  Excellent in Microsoft Office and have been handling projects for more than 5 years. 

Read: How to answer top 5 job interview questions

Giving time and effort to make your resume look attractive is a key point in getting to the position that you want.  But of course, that’s not just where employers ponder upon; of course, you also have to consider interviews and of course your personality and work attitude.  Nevertheless, having an attractive resume most often gives you a higher chance of landing a job.

Read Also: Tips for cracking the Interview

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