7 Helpful Tips in Searching Google That 95% of People Do Not Know About

From simple to mediocre changes, we can definitely have an answer to whatever question we have with the technology of our generation. Except of course if the one you love loves you back – oh wait, we can have that answered as well! You can find information in literally any device that you have. And how do we do that? That’s right, I heard it – GOOGLE. In an article by Bright Side, they have compiled a list of techniques in Google searching that would allow you to look what you yearn for in seconds to minutes rather than sitting down on it for hours.

Use Synonyms

The English language wouldn’t be itself without the bunch of synonyms it gives us, right?   Well, little did we know that using these synonyms is very helpful and convenient in researching. If you need websites that are specific to what you are searching for, you can add the ~ symbol to your searches. This would allow you to land on the specific thing you need rather than just phrases.

Read: 15 Google Search tips and tricks you may not know

I used “starting a business ~Philippines,” and I arrived at links which gave me:

  • Tips in starting a business
  • How to start a business
  • Requirements in starting a business in the Phils.

Searching within a website

You may find yourself lost when you read something and then suddenly you have the urge to share what you have read to your friends. You do not know the title of the article but you do know the website… What Google can do to you is to search for that article in that website; and to do this, type the website on the Google Search bar and then type a “KEYWORD” that you remember. By doing this, you can search for your article immediately.

When you forget the words

This happens to all of us and YES, to all of us. It is best when we are trying to remember a song title but we can only remember the lyrics – not even all of them. What you can do is to try to type in the first and the last words you remember and put “AROUND + (the estimated number of missing words)” between them.  For example, I forgot a couple of words to Maroon 5’s Lady Killer, and then Google helped me remember them:


There are moments when we are in dire need of fast and pinpointed events that occurred at specific points in time.   To tell this to Google, you can simply add a time frame to your search with the help of and ellipsis (three dots) between the dates. For example:

Searching for a specific title or URL

To aid you in finding specific titles or URLs, you can simply input “intitle:” or “inurl:” before the word you are trying to find; do not put a space between them. For example:

Finding similar websites

When you find something that really suits your taste and you want to take that and search for a related type, then you can type in “related:” and then the address or link of the site; again do not put a space between them.

Removing unimportant words

Ever had that feeling of annoyance when you search and the first link you get is the link you are forever trying to avoid? In your search query, you can remove results by simply writing a minus symbol before the word. Take this as an example, you want to read articles about traveling but you are not looking to book for tickets or accommodation, you can write this:

These techniques can literally save you time and effort in scrolling though webpages, URLs, and links that really do not help you. By instilling and applying these tips, you can arrive at what you are looking for without breaking a sweat.

Read Also: How to Solve Geometric problems using Google Search

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