
7 smartphone myths revealed

Being a smartphone user, we all heard of myths and sayings that revolve around our little everyday devices. Some we believe but some are really just too far and wide to think about. Have you ever encountered myths about smartphones that you wish you knew was true? Here are 7 smartphone myths revealed.

You should drain the battery first before charging it


Some people believe that they should first drain the batteries of their phones before plugging the charger in. Technologies now use Lithium – ion batteries that has no impact on smartphones whether the battery is drained or not. To put it into simpler terms, you can charge your smartphone, however and whenever you like.

Leaving your phone charging overnight is bad for its battery


This was true before because old batteries did not know when they are fully charged which led to overcharging. Modern technology and batteries nowadays have a sensor that would automatically turn the charging off when the battery is full so you don’t have to worry about leaving it charged overnight.

Closing background apps will increase the phone’s performance

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