If you ever wondered why sometimes your laptop looks old, messy, and performs not-so-well, it may be because it is already filled with dirt inside and out. Cleaning your laptop in a regular basis prolongs its life and yours too. There are studies which state that computer keyboards are one of the most favorite homes of germs and bacteria. But your laptop is not just about the keyboard and mouse, right? Well here are a few things to know in order for you to get a cleaner and better laptop.
Your keyboard is probably the dirtiest part of your laptop since it is the most touched by our hands and our hands are the dirtiest body part because it is what we use to touch and feel things that may be clean or not. So how do you clean your keyboard? There are a few ways to do this but to ensure the best cleaning, here’s what you should do.
With the keys intact
Turn the laptop off and remove its battery.
Have a can of compressed air and gently spray it onto the keys.
Use a small vacuum with a brush attachment; it is usually the last limb of a vacuum to suck onto the dirt underneath it.
Damp a piece of cotton bud in alcohol and rub it in between the keys if possible. Dry it with clean paper towel or better yet, air-dry it.
With the keys removed
Turn the laptop off and remove its battery.
Make sure that you know how the keys were removed so you know how to place it back.
Place all of the keys in a small bowl and add a few drops of dish soap or hand soap to wash them.
Scrub them each to ensure that they are clean.
Use a small vacuum to clean below where the keys lie (for loose crumbs, dust, etc.)
Dry them with a clean paper towel and place them back again where they were placed.