As you have read the pros and cons of credit cards in a previous post, there also are specific credit cards to which you can apply if you desire to. As stated before, credit cards are useful because you don’t need to bring cash when you plan on purchasing something and it is much safer because when it gets lost, stolen, or broken, you can easily have the account frozen and get a replacement card for that. In this article, we will be focusing on the different types of credit cards that people can have here in the Philippines.
Within the last decade, the use of credit cards here in our country started to increase and that was the time when banks thought that expanding it is a good business move. They were successful in doing that because without them making this move, we won’t have these different credit cards available in our country. Issuing banks provide different cards for various uses and below are the list and a brief cut on what they are for:
Standard Credit Cards – Pretty much the normal credit card with no specification at all. It offers all benefits such as purchases, cash advances, etc.
Shopping Credit Cards – A type of card that specializes in giving you discounts, rewards, or promotions when shopping at a specific store/merchant.
Business Cards – A specific type of card that is used for answering needs that are regarding business or transactions that involve business.
Student Cards – Student Cards are the type of cards that are made to help the student build their credit rights from college. Cards like these have limited features and benefits and it comes with a very restricted limit as well.
Dining and Entertainment Cards – Cards that you can use to get discounts or promotions at your favorite restaurants. These types of cards can also aid you in getting priority in the lifestyle section.
Travel Credit Cards – Travel Cards are types of cards that can give you lovely treats when you travel such as accommodation, hotel reservation, etc.