How to Adopt a Child in the Philippines – Requirements and Procedure

Every human being in this world deserves love and care that would guide them and mold them to what they have to become in the future.  However, not everyone was born with the luck and gratitude that majority of everyone has – family.  This is the reason I decided to share what you can do in order for you to adopt and to take care of abandoned children here in our country.

First and foremost, there also are requirements in which you have to follow so that you can start adoption here in our country.  These requirements are based solely on the Domestic Adoption Law (R.A 8552) if in any case you are eager to know more about the requirements and the procedure in a deeper sense.

So who are eligible for adoption in the Philippines?  According to the law, the people who are eligible for adoption are:

  • Filipino Citizens; who are;
  • Of course of legal age
  • At least 16 years older than the adoptee (except when the adoptee is the biological parent)
  • Have undergone adoption pre-adoption services
  • Of good moral character and has not been convicted of any crime
  • Has the capacity and the ability to become authorized of parenting rights
  • In a good position to support the adoptee in his/her education and to care for the adoptee
  • An alien may adopt if he/she has diplomatic relations with the Philippines, has been certified by his/her diplomatic or consular office or any appropriated agency that he/she is qualified to adopt in his country, and that his/her government will allow the adoption.
  • An alien has been living in the Philippines for at least three (3) continuous years prior to the filing of the application for adoption and maintains such residence until the adoption decree is entered

With that being said and with everyone knowing the requirements for adoption, who are the people qualified for adoption here in the Philippines?

  • Any person below 18 years old who has been declare (administratively or judicially) available for adoption;
  • A child whose biological parent/s has died and with the proof that he/she is not up for adoption within the 6 months from the time of death of the said parent/s
  • Legitimate son/daughter of one spouse by the other
  • A person who is in legal age who has been considered and taken care of by the adopter/s since minority
  • A child whose adoption has previously been revoked

So now knowing who are eligible to both adopt and be adopted, let us now know what are the documentation requirements of adopting a child in the Philippines.  If you are a foster parent or a couple interested to adopt a qualified person, you need to prepare the following documents:

Procedure in adopting a child in the Philippines:

Step 1:

First and foremost, you need to attend the Adoption Counseling to finalize and prove that you are eligible to adopt.  After the counseling, the application process will go through.

Step 2:

You need to prepare your Home Study Report.  This is also the time in which you have been determined either your application is approved or disapproved. 

Step 3:

Matching or also known as family selection.  After the adoptee has chosen, pre-placement with the prospective parents will take place.  After some time, the placement process will now push through.

Step 4:

Trial Custody of the child will take place and of course, it is supervised.  After proving that the child is fine together with his/her new parents, the child’s adoption will now be finalized and thus, The Adoption Certificate or Certificate of Finality will now be given to the parents.  The amended birth certificate of the adoptee will now be received by the parents; the Provision of Post-Adoptive Services will also be guaranteed.

And that is it, the procedure of adopting a child and the requirements is now in front of you.  Are you a couple or a parent who is planning to adopt a child?  Are you yearning to add someone in the family or are you interested in taking care of a child of your own?  Then what are you waiting for?  Read and follow the steps above and be successful in adopting a child of your own.

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