AMA Online University – Get Your Degree

With the technology, we can now perform and do a lot of things in the internet and yes – studying is one of them.  You can have online classes and lectures by signing up and paying for tuition fees for online schools and such; some offer it for free.  Now, AMA University and its sister school AMA Computer College, are now having online courses for students.  AMA Education is the pioneer and the pillars of computer education here in our country.  Now, AMA Online Education is considered to be the very first university in the Philippines that offer full online courses and online programs.

First and foremost, what are the main advantages of online schooling?  Some of the most basic and few reasons are:

  • Low costs (depending on what you will take)
  • Time management and flexibility
  • You can avoid time constraint and you can study anywhere as long as you have internet connection
  • You’ll be able to continue your profession and improve it if what you’re studying is on your field

The list goes on.  It just technically depends on what you will programs and courses you will take and how you are willing to take them.

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For AMA Online Education, there are two types of things you can consider.  There are Academic Programs and Short Courses.  The available academic programs in AMA Online Education are:

  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BS – IT)
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BS – ComSci)

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Aside from these two listed above, they also have short online courses to offer.  These online courses can be your stepping stones into having the technical profession you have been dreaming of.  The available short online courses that they offer are:

  • XML – Based Web Application
  • Mail and Web Services
  • Network Security
  • Linux Administration
  • Digital Imaging
  • Multimedia Communications System
  • Multimedia Sound and Video
  • Web Application Development using JSP and OBDC
  • Web Application Development using PHP and MySQL
  • Visual Graphics Design 101
  • Illustrations 101
  • 2D/3D Animation
  • Advance Game Development using Unity
  • Basic Game Development using Unity
  • 3D Game Art Development
  • 2D Game Art Development
  • Digital Photography
  • Computer Programming 7 (SQL Server 2012)

Don’t you think it’s great?  Well having no pressure in time for attending due to Philippine traffic is one of the main pros of taking online classes.  You can avoid and not think of the traffic hours, you won’t be worried that you’ll get stuck in traffic jams, and you can’t make the traffic an alibi anymore.

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Another is its convenience and flexibility.  Who wouldn’t want to gather information and learn in the comfort of their own homes, right?  Even for employees, they can now learn and pursue their profession at the same time because of the flexibility of taking these online academic programs and online courses.

We are in the age where technology is coming to its peak in helping and in aiding people in their needs and their assets.  Right now, online education is considered to be one of the brightest ideas because of what it can offer.  Let’s hope for the best and pray that we are able to get more out of what technology can give us.

Read Also: How to enroll in TESDA Online courses for Free

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