How To Auto-Save Photos You Receive In Messenger

Messenger is one of the more used ways of communication in our time.  Because of its flexibility, user-friendly interface, and its direct connection to Facebook, people tend to enjoy and find it alluring.  Because of this, we can say that this app improved; its tracks went from photo sending, video chatting to group interactions and video calling.  having this said, it can be a conclusion why Messenger has over a billion downloads in iOS and Android stores.

Of course, all of us are aware of this app’s capability of sending photos and videos, correct?  Well, a recent update of Messenger is its ability to capture photos automatically.  Yes, they now have an auto-save feature for photos so you won’t have to manually save every photo that you receive.

Read: How to enable Secret Conversations in Facebook Messenger

The Pros

One of its main pros is that you won’t have to toggle on every photo to save it.  By enabling this feature, you can be guaranteed that the photos you receive from every thread you open will automatically be saved on your device.

Another pro is its continuity.  Whatever photo you receive from anyone as long as you opened its thread, it will automatically download.  By this, you can be assured that even if you do not have Internet connection, the photos you received can be accessible in your device.

The Cons

One not-so-good thing about this is its ability to capture every photo you receive from a thread you opened.  Say, you are part of numerous groups and you get to communicate with a lot of people; whatever they send will automatically be saved in your device.  This can cause memory to be cut faster (if your device has low memory) and it can slow down the device.

So how do you toggle the auto-save feature in Messenger?

It’s actually not a gold mine, it’s fairly simple and user-friendly as what the app suggests.  You just need to go to your Facebook Messenger App and tap on your profile (the person-shaped icon on the top right side).

Automatic Save Photos

From there, scroll down until you see Photos and Media.

Automatic Save Photos

Once you click on that, you will see the option to have it automatically saved.

Automatic Save-Photos on FB Messenger

Save PhotosThe option that you should select if you want all incoming photos to be saved.

Save on Capture.  This however, is the option you should select if you want all outgoing photos to be saved.  Like when you send a photo to a friend or a group, it will be automatically saved to your gallery.

Now that you know how this works, you can now enjoy the flexibility of having all of the photos you receive or the photos you send.  What’s more fun than not worrying about saving the photos you receive?

Read Also: How to Send Files using Facebook

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