Are you having a difficulty in budgeting your finances? If you want to address this issue, continue reading this article for you to learn from Chinkee Tan- one of the Filipino motivational speakers and best-selling authors in the Philippines.
In this article, we are going to reveal and uncover the reasons why everyone of us is facing a hard time budgeting our daily expenses. And there are 10 lies or mistakes we tend to believe that hinder our proper financial management.
Reality is those who came from a family of nothing know this is not true. You know what is the philosophy of a poor?: it’s better to eat once a day than have no food at all; it’s better to live in a small house rather than no shelter at all. In short, they believe that it’s better to have something rather than nothing. So, if those people can sufficiently budget their small income, why can’t you budget your current income which is much bigger? Hence, the problem is not the income, but the person who is handling the income.
This looks like saying that you can’t establish a business or doesn’t know how to invest. Let’s say you indeed do not know, what should you do? Learn. All things can be learned nowadays especially that resources are almost accessible online, same with budgeting. However, the question is do you want to learn it? If yes, then find some ways rather than reasons.