How to Create Website in Three Steps

Creating a website is difficult if you don’t have enough experience in web development which only people with a degree in this field can understand. But, with a lot of resources available that you can use as a guide in developing your website, you can create a website that you can brag to your family and friends.

Using platform like Blogger which run by Google, WordPress, uCoz, etc., you can create website for free. The disadvantage of creating free websites is that your domain or URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is only a subdomain of the site I mention. Example, if you create your free website using WordPress your URL will be “” the same with uCoz, Blogger and other free website builder, which is not look professional.

Although Blogger and uCoz can host your content for free, still you don’t have full control of your website. They can remove your website to their server if you violate their terms.


OK, what I am going to teach you is how to create a website with full control, we will rent a server that will host your site, buy your own domain and install WordPress to your server to serve as a platform of your site, WordPress is a very popular platform which also use by Forbes, Reuters, CNN, The New York Times, TechCrunch, etc.

How much will it cost?

Running a full controlled website is not quite expensive, you only need at least $25 to setup your new website.

  • Domain Name = $12.95 or less per year
  • Web Hosting = $7.96 per month

You only pay for your domain yearly, and the web hosting bill monthly unless you pay for the whole year or more. To begin this tutorial follow the three steps below. If you have doubts or any hesitation you can always contact me, I’ll be glad to help and assist you until you setup your site.

STEP 1 – Buy Domain and Hosting

The first step is to buy your Domain name and Web hosting. Domain name is the name or the address of your site and the Web hosting is where you stored all the files on your site. Web hosting plays a crucial part of your website, choosing a reliable web host is a must.

You can buy your domain in separate domain registrar like Godaddy to save a little bit, but to make this tutorial easy to follow we will buy your domain directly to Web host.

I recommend HostGator to host your website, this company has a good reputation in web hosting and like me, this website also hosted at HostGator.

Follow the instructions in this post “How to sign up for HostGator account” to create your account.

STEP 2 – Install WordPress on Webhost

Now that you have your Domain and Web Hosting, we will now install WordPress on your server, this only takes a few minutes. Follow the instructions in this post. How to Install WordPress on Hostgator using Quick Install

STEP 3 – Customize the look of your website

Your website is now online, you can now try to access your website using your domain ( that we register in step 1. If you are satisfied with the design of your site, you can now start creating your content. But, if you want to customize the overall look of your website, you can easily change your themes available for free.

If you have enough budget I’ll recommend to use a premium theme. The advantages of using premium themes are, you get free updates, free support that will help you anytime. MyThemeShop has the collection of some of the best premium WordPress themes that you can use.

To learn how to change the overall look of your website, follow the instructions in this post, How to change WordPress themes.

That’s it you have now a fully functioned website that you can use in your online business, blog or anything that you want to publish. If you find it difficult to follow just send me an email at efrenjrnolasco[at] and I will personally help you setup your website or blog.

Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission without any additional charge from you.

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