Deadline for SSS Payment Contributions

You all know the importance of SSS payments and how it can help you especially when you retire and avail of its benefits.  Continuous SSS payments will also help you during emergencies by the loans that they extend to all the members.  In fact, the entity will help you in times of need like when after giving birth, women are entitled to medical reimbursement or when someone dies in your family that is a member, the aggrieved will be given certain burial benefits.

However, late payments of SSS contributions will subject you to pay additional penalties.  Both the employer and employee will suffer if this is the case for employed individuals.  So here are some tips that will help you remember the required deadlines of the contributions.

Deadline for SSS Payment

For employed members:

  1. Normally, representatives of the company or the employers themselves will be the ones who will remit the payment.  The employees on the other hand will give their contribution through usually a salary deduction from the employer.  Each of them have a proportionate contribution to the latter’s SSS payments. They will base it on the tenth digit of the employer’s 13 digits SSS number.
  2. For the schedule of payment, those who have 1 or 2 as the 10th digit of the employer’s number will pay on or before the 10th day of the month.
  3. Those who have 3 or 4 of the 10th digit of the employer’s number will pay on or before the 15th day of the month.
  4. Those who have 5 or 6 of the 10th digit of the employer’s number will pay on or before the 20th day of the month.
  5. Those who have 7 or 8 of the 10th digit of the employer’s number will pay on or before the 25th day of the month.
  6. Those who have 9 or 0 of the 10th digit of the employer’s number will pay at the end of the month.

Clearly, SSS would not want congestion in their offices for payment of contributions.  The frequency of this payment should be done monthly for businesses and household employees.

For self-employed members & voluntary members, basically, the mechanics are the same except that these members are allowed to pay on a quarterly basis. There is no strict requirement of monthly payments of said contributions.  Since they are the ones who are employing themselves or have no permanent employers, the basis of the 10th digit will be their own SSS numbers.  So the same numbers will apply.  If the 10th (last) digit of the SSS number ends in 1 or 2, they are required to pay on the 10th day of the month, 3 or 4 on the 15th day of the month, and so on and so forth.

Lastly, for employees, since the employers will be the ones to submit the payments, it can help if they check the SSS remittance to ensure that their employer’s really submitted well their contributions.  If not, then they have to inquire about their employer’s mishaps or report directly to the SSS office for the omission.

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1 thought on “Deadline for SSS Payment Contributions”

  1. good pm po ask lng po stop po ako byad sa philhealth/sss/and pag ibig ,,due change work ,,at more than 2 years na kasi ako dito sa bago wala pa kasi payment nangyayari,,gusto ko sana mg byad ..self employed ko nlng siya,,tapos im giving birth this coming june 2020..paanu po magamit ulit lahat yun..mgkano po babayran ko?.pls anwer my question slamt


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