Facebook Memories: How Do I Toggle This Feature?

One essence of Facebook is for people to have space for photos and videos of events in their lives. Just last year, Facebook released one of their newer features: On This Day or most commonly known as Facebook Memories. If you do not know what this is, well it’s sort of a reminder of some event that happened; whether silly, embarrassing, important, or life-changing; to you or someone close to you that is published on Facebook. There are even times where it marks your friendship with a person.

For some, it’s fun and enjoyable since you are able to reminisce to the good days. However, there are people who do not view this thing as a good update. Some might even have unpleasant memories such as reminders of lost friends, relationships that didn’t work, etc. Although some are not just fond of these things and tend to be annoyed when they see it – like it’s really not a big deal.

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So here is how you can control what you see in this new update of Facebook.

How you can access Facebook Memories?

Before we get to the toggling part, let’s first know how we can access the field in which this feature is in.

You can find the option for this feature in the left-hand side of the Facebook User Interface name On This Day (Left of your News Feed). So what do you see when you click on this? Here is where you will see a list of updates (of today) in your Facebook History including your friendships, life events, photos you’re tagged in, and old statuses. You can decide to share them by clicking on the “Share” button underneath each post.

Facebook memories - On This Day

How do you disable/enable these notifications?

Yes, you can actually switch this feature’s notifications by enabling or disabling it. To do this, go to the notifications button in the top-right corner of the screen. Once it pops-up, click “Settings.”

Facebook memories notification settings

From its settings, you can find the “On This Day” feature and you can toggle its notifications. If you do not want to switch off notifications for Facebook Memories completely, there is a setting that can lead you do this and this is the “All Memories” setting.

Facebook Memories settings


How do you filter Memories by person or date?

If you want to have a list of people who you don’t want to see in this feature, you can easily filter them out.

On the “On This Day” page, hit on the preferences button. Doing this will launch a new window with filter options: People and Date.

Facebook Memories Preferences

The People option lets you select people (friends and not) that you would never want to see in these Memories.

The Dates filter, however, lets you choose particular dates on a year.

This new feature of Facebook can be helpful in remembering some events but it is not advised by some. With these, you can easily toggle to turn the notifications for this update on or off.

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