Filing and Claiming SSS Death Benefits

There are two types of SSS death benefits, the monthly pension and the lumpsum amount. The monthly pension is granted only to the main beneficiaries of the deceased member who was able to pay 36 monthly contributions before the semester of death. On one hand, the lumpsum amount is given to beneficiaries including secondary ones who has paid less than 36 monthly contributions before the semester of death.

The monthly pension depends on the member’s paid contributions, his credited years of service (CYS), and the number of dependent minor children that must not exceed five.The monthly pension is paid for not less than 60 months.

Read: How to Apply for SSS retirement benefits

SSS Death Benefits

Illegitimate children are entitled to 50 percent of the share of the legitimate children if there are less than five minor legitimate children. If there is no legitimate, legitimated, or legally adopted children, the illegitimate minor children shall be entitled to 100 percent of the basic pension, plus dependent’s allowance.The dependents’ allowance stops when the child reaches 21 years old, gets married, gets employed or dies except for incapacitated children who are entitled to benefits even after the age of 21.

Read: SSS Loan restructuring eligibility and documentary requirements

The deceased member’s beneficiaries are entitled to a 13th month pension, payable every December and the funeral benefit, which is paid to whoever shouldered the funeral expenses of the deceased member.

Here’s the INSTRUCTIONS from SSS office on how to file for the death claim:

  1. Accomplish Parts I and II of this form in one (1) copy without erasures or alterations. This form refers to the SSS form that you can request from the SSS office.
  2. Support date of birth, marriage or death with birth/baptismal certificate, marriage contract or death certificate (original duplicate/certified true copy/certified photocopy) duly registered with the National Statistics Office/ Local Civil Registrar Office/Parish/Church.
  3. Present original and submit photocopy of single savings account passbook/ATM card with name and copy of bank validated deposit slip or Cash Card Enrollment Form.
  4. Attach your recent 1 x 1 photo.
  5. Affix your fingerprints (right thumb and right index) on the portions provided for in the application form in the presence of an SSS employee. In case the claimant could not sign, fingerprints should be witnessed by two (2) persons, at least one (1) of whom is an SSS employee.
  6. Present Social Security Card or SS Form E-6 Acknowledgment Stub with 2 valid IDs, at least one (1) with photo.
  7. Present original and submit photocopy of identification cards.
  8. Write “N/A” for items not applicable and/or delete portion/s not applicable in the Certification.

Benefit Payment

The monthly pension is paid thru the beneficiary’s designated bank. The beneficiary is allowed to choose the bank nearest his residence thru which he wishes to receive his pension benefits. The beneficiary must open a single savings account and must submit to the SSS his saving account number and a photocopy of his passbook or ATM card upon filing of application. The original passbook/ATM must be presented for authentication purposes.

Upon approval of the claim, the SSS will mail a notice voucher to the beneficiary informing him when to withdraw his benefit from the bank. The primary or secondary beneficiaries of a deceased member, who had no contribution payment at all and who was reported for coverage only shall be entitled to funeral benefit only.

If the totally disabled pensioner has no primary beneficiaries and dies within sixty (60) months from the start of the monthly pension, the secondary beneficiaries shall be entitled to a lump sum benefit equivalent to the total monthly pensions corresponding to the balance of the five-year guaranteed period excluding the dependent’s pension.

The pension stops when a partial disability pensioner retires or dies.

Read Also: List of SSS benefits available for their members

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2 thoughts on “Filing and Claiming SSS Death Benefits”

  1. Good day po, pwede pa po bang mag claim ng death claim from my mother death kahit more than 10 years na po ang naka lipas? Death claim hnd po funeral claim.. slmat po sa responce ,.


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