Free PhilHeath Membership for Senior Citizens

PhilHealth offers quite a treat for people who have gone past their employment ages; people who have worked hard for so many years and are yet to get what they deserve – senior citizens.  Just like many things, PhilHealth offers quite a very interesting feature to these kinds of people and that is free membership.  Yes, they do not have to pay anything initially when they decide to be a member of the insurance corporation.  In this article, I will be detailing the things that senior citizens should do if they pan on being a member of PhilHealth.

Of course, we need to be clear of what the qualifications are before diving deeper into the topic.  The people who are qualified for this are:

  • 60-year old Filipino citizens who are residents of the Philippines who are not currently covered by any PhilHealth membership category;
  • Qualified dependents of senior citizen members; and;
  • Qualified dependents of members who are part of other membership categories of PhilHealth (with or without coverage who are senior citizens themselves).

So how can a senior citizen register for PhilHealth?  Well we actually have two (2) options for them:

  • Through the Office for the Senior Citizen Affairs (OFSCA)
  • Through PhilHealth Local Health Insurance (LHIO)

But wait, what are the requirements they need to have for them to successfully apply for a PhilHeath membership?

  • Senior Citizen ID (issued by OSCA)
  • At least two (2) 1×1 photo that was taken within the last six (6) months
  • At least one (1) valid government ID
  • Duly accomplished PhilHealth Member Registration Form (PMRF)

Through the Office for the Senior Citizen Affairs (OFSCA)

  1. Senior citizens must need to fill out two (2) copies of the PhilHealth Member Registration Form (PMRF).
  2. After duly accomplishing it, bring the two duly accomplished forms to the OSCA in the city or municipality where the elderly is living.
  3. Let the officer-in-charge investigate it and if confirmed;
  4. Wait for the Member Data Record and Identification card issued by PhilHealth through OSCA.

Through the PhilHealth Local Health Insurance (LHIO)

  1. The elderly needs to fill out two (2) copies of the PhilHeath Member Registration Form (PMRF).
  2. Attach a 1×1 photo that was taken within the last six (6) months.
  3. They need to present their OSCA Identification card (issued by OSCA) or a valid government ID.
  4. Let the officer-in-charge investigate it and if confirmed;
  5. Wait for the Member Data Record and PhilHealth Identification card.

Even the seniors get a good piece of the cake under these circumstances, right?  They just need to be aware of what they need to do and where they have to do it.  With this, they are opening doors for a lot of benefits and opportunities and those can be disclosed in the PhilHealth website which they can take a look at themselves.  Know a senior citizen who might want to have this benefit?  Let them read this now and maybe, you can change their lives.

Read Also: How to apply for PhilHealth Registration: Employed, Self-Employed and Unemployed

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