Getting a Senior Citizen’s ID in the Philippines

Senior Citizens, as we all know, can have most of the beneficial and the best benefits that an individual can have.  This fact is just rightful and just because of their capabilities such as their age, their contributions when they were younger, and other factors that make up their well-being.  Some people are not really convinced when one says that they already are part of the senior citizen group so one thing you can count on is the senior citizen ID.  In this article, you are going to learn how you can get a senior citizen ID.

Just like any other ID you can apply to, getting a senior citizen ID also has requirements.  The things you need to prepare are:

Prepare all these prior to you going to the Municipal’s office of the senior citizen’s affair to have your ID processed and validated.

The procedure is simple, you just need to go to your Municipal’s Office of the Senior Citizen’s Affair and apply for an ID.  Ask someone from your family to accompany you with this process because this might take a couple of minutes to an hour.  They will ask you to fill out the information like:

  • Complete name
  • Date of Birth
  • Complete Address
  • Other Personal Information

This is the reason why getting someone in your family comes in handy so that they can write it down for you but the staff can also help you out on that.  After filling it out, they will ask you for your signature.  This one is critical for you need to ensure that your signature is the one you use for everything because it can be voided.

Read: Benefits of Senior Citizen in the Philippines

Getting a Senior Citizen ID can give or allow you benefits that you can use in order to be more comfortable and for you to be favored.  Things like:

  1. Discounts on Public Transportation (Although jeepneys and vans do not require this) Trains, cabs, and other more formal rides require this.
  2. Having a senior citizen ID can allow you to pass through long lines in paying your bills like your electricity bill, your phone bills, your water bills, anything.
  3. Given the fact that you have been here longer than other youngsters, you have the privilege or discounts on a lot of things which some of which may include entertainment, utilities, etc.

Getting a Senior Citizen ID can slightly be a hassle of course given the fact that you are not very flexible or patient enough but it will be worth it after you get it because you now can get to enjoy the privileges, rewards, and benefits of being a senior citizen.

Read Also: Free PhilHealth membership for Senior Citizens

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