15 Google Search Tips and Tricks you may not Know

Google, the most use website today where you can find almost anything just by typing in their powerful Search bar, although almost everyday you guys visit Google searching the answers for your questions. Did you know that almost everyday they add some cool feature that we don’t know it’s there?

While I’m searching, I stumble upon on some cool features that I know you will also like, go ahead and try some of these Google tips and tricks.

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1. Dictionary – You don’t need to go to Wikipedia or Thesaurus website to get the meaning of your word you want to define, just type “your word” meaning or type what is “your word” into the Google search bar.Google Tips and Tricks: Dictionary

2. Things to do in “place” – Just insert your favorite City or place you’re in now and you will see what are the famous tourist destination you may want to consider to go specially this holiday season.Google tips and tricks - Things to do in place

3. Checking Weather or Time in a particular City by typing Weather in “City” or Time in “City”.google tips and tricks - weather

4. Type “The name of your favorite Hollywood actor/actress + movies or movie list” – you will see his/her filmography instantly.Google tips and tricks - movie list

5. Flight Schedule – You can also check your flight schedule by just entering your Airline flight number like on the screenshot below.google tips and tricks - flight schedule

6. Conversion Tools – Easily convert unit using Google search, by simply typing the amount of a particular unit into a desired unit output.google tips and tricks - conversion tools

7. Translator – You may not need a translator if you know Google search can easily translate almost anything, by simply typing “translator” on the search bar, the translator platform will show up and you can easily put a word, paragraph or the whole document and select what language you want to be the output.Google tips and tricks - translator

8. Food Comparison – Easily compare nutrition benefits of two (fruits, dessert, drinks, etc) by simply adding “VS” between the two items in the Google search bar.google tips and tricks - food comparison

9. Enter the holiday name and will give you the DayGoogle tips and tricks - holiday

10. Currency Converter – Wanna know the exact value of the currency you have? Just type the “amount + currency to another currency”. google tips and tricks - currency converter

11. Set Timer – You can also use Google search as a timer, simply type “set timer for” + the amount of time and it will automatically set the alarm when the time finished.Google tips and tricks - timer

12. Tip Calculator – You don’t have to worry how much tip you will give everytime you visit your favorite restaurant, Google added a tip calculator in google search, simply type “Tip calculator in the search bar and fill the required fields.google tips and tricks - tip calculator

13. Sunrise and Sunset – Know the exact sunrise and sunset of a particular place by searching “sunrise or sunset” before the place.google tips and tricks - sunrise and sunset

14. Search for specific File type – looking for a document or topic in a specific file format? you can get it in Google search, just type the topic + filetype: (pdf, ppt, doc. etc)google tips and tricks - file type

15. Calculator – of course you can use Google search as calculator standard or scientific, just type calculator in the search bar and the calculator is ready.google tips and tricks - calculator

These are only some tricks you can do with Google search, there are plenty of these on Google you only need to figure out how. Google is always adding and making searching more easily and friendly.

If you have some Google search tips and tricks that you want to be added to this list, please mention it in the comment section below. Don’t forget to share 🙂

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