Persons with Disabilities (PWD) have been entitled to some benefits to help them and can be issued an ID to be entitled for such. Here is a guide on how to get it and some discounts and benefits for them.
A. Completion with the requirements the means of PWD Registration Forms
- Recent ID pictures with names and signatures or thumb marks of the applicants at the back of the pictures.
- One valid ID such as the following: SSS ID, Postal ID, Tax Identification ID Voters ID
- Documents to confirm the medical disability condition
Disability Document Issuing Entity
Apparent Disability Medical Certificate Licensed Private or Government Physician School Assessment Licensed Teacher duly signed by the School Principal

Certificate of Disability
- Head of the Business Establishment
- Head of Non-Government Organization
B. Accomplishing, obtaining and filling up of PWD Registration Forms. Obtain the PWD RF at any registration centers such as: Department of Social welfare – DSWD, Barangay Captains Office’s. Office of the Mayors of the belonged Municipalities and Barangays and in the DOH online registration
C. Fill up the PWD-RF and accomplish all the necessary documents and submit the PWD –RF with the attached requirements to the Municipal Mayors or Barangay Captains
D. Check the validity of your PWD –ID’s the Municipal Mayor or the Barangay Captains must check and verify the data’s and documents and its validity to confirm the medical condition and disability of the said applicants. The PWD’s must have an assigned PWD-ID number. The data on the required ID card must be properly filled up Then the PWD –ID is ready to be issued to the PWD’s.
E. The PWD is entitled to 20% discount in establishments.
Hotels and similar lodging establishments, restaurants and recreation centers, theaters, cinema houses, concert halls, circuses, carnivals, and other similar places of cultures, leisure and amusements.
Medicines in all drugstores
Medical and dental services, including diagnostics and laboratory fees, all Government facilities (guidelines to be issued by the DOH in coordination of PHILHEALTH).
Medical and dental services including diagnostic and laboratory fees, and professional fees, of attending doctors in all private hospitals and medical facilities. Domestic air and sea travel, public railways and bus fare Subways and expressway tall fees (for PWD owning a vehicle.)
F. The 5% entitled discount.
Basic necessities, like foods, beverages, marine product and other commodities as classified by the DTI and DA.
Prime commodities such as fresh, dried and canned processed foods, electrical supply and construction supply, veterinary products such as hogs and poultry cattle feeds, school supplies and other commodities that maybe classified by the DTI and DA.
Other benefits that a PWD can avail:
- Express lane in all commercial and government establishment.
- Accessible in Biometrics registration and voting centers
- Designated PWD friendly public attorneys
- Educational assistance to pursue primary and secondary, tertiary and post as well as vocational or technical education in both public and private schools.
- Protection against verbal and non-verbal ridicule and verification.
- 15,000 worth of benefits to qualified Philhealth members or dependents in needs of lower limbs prosthetics
- Establishments of Persons with Disability Affairs Office PDAO in every provinces, cities and municipalities. Accessible website in all government agencies.
NOTE: To avail of these privileges and perks a PWD should secure and present a PWD-ID.