
How can I keep my Wi-fi connection stable

I know that almost everyone gets raged or gets mad when their internet connection gets shabby at times. Of course without being knowledgeable enough, people would not be able to solve all technical issues and problems they encounter as regards their internet connectivity. But there are certain things that even people who has zero to little knowledge about technology can do in order to ensure that the stability of their wi-fi.

Set your router at a high position

The position of the router inside your house is probably one of the most important factors that you should consider. Many people are not aware that placing their routers on the floor, or somewhere where a lot would not be able to see it, can be the reason why your connection keeps cutting out.

Place your router high and with high I mean yes, somewhere it can have a lot of space for itself, somewhere it can breathe. Position it to where you think it can accommodate every space in the house.

Modify your router

People have been all over this craze of extending their wi-fi connection by doing this simple DIY trick with soda cans and your router. You can click here in order to know more about how a can of soda can boost and stabilize your wi-fi connection.

Extend its range

There is what you call a repeater that extends the range of your wi-fi connection. What it does internally is that it picks up the signal of your wi-fi and repeats it to where its range is available. This works best if the house you own is large or if it is governed by a lot of obstacles (doors, walls) that can cause the signal not to be passed on.

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