How to Disable Game Request or App Notifications on Facebook

Annoyed by constantly receiving invites and game requests from your Facebook friends? If you still don’t know how to block or disable game requests, this tutorial is for you.

In my previous post during the Candy Crush mania, I publish a tutorial how to disable Candy Crush notifications on Facebook because that time majority of my friends are playing and requesting for life.

In this post, you will learn not only blocking and disabling Candy Crush invites and requests but all kinds of games and apps requests that are constantly disturbing you, using your computer’s web browser or the Facebook app installed in your Android and iOS devices.

Disabling Game Notifications on Facebook

On Mobile (Android/iOS)

  1. Open the Facebook App.
  2. Tap the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner.
  3. Scroll down and select Settings & Privacy.
  4. Tap on Notifications.
  5. Scroll down to the Games section.
  6. For each game you wish to disable notifications for, tap the Drop-down Arrow next to the game’s name.
  7. Select Off to stop receiving notifications for that game.
  8. To disable all game notifications, select Turn off all notifications at the top of the Games section.

On Desktop

  1. Log in to your Facebook account.
  2. Click your Profile Picture in the top right and select Settings & Privacy.
  3. Click on Notifications.
  4. In the Games section, click the Drop-down Arrow next to the game’s name.
  5. Select Off to disable notifications for that game.
  6. To disable all game notifications, select Turn off all notifications at the top of the Games section.

Disabling App Notifications on Facebook

On Mobile (Android/iOS)

  1. Open the Facebook App.
  2. Tap the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner.
  3. Scroll down and select Settings & Privacy.
  4. Tap on Notifications.
  5. Scroll down to the Apps section.
  6. For each app you want to disable notifications for, tap the Drop-down Arrow next to the app’s name.
  7. Select Off to stop receiving notifications from that app.
  8. To disable all app notifications, select Turn off all notifications at the top of the Apps section.

On Desktop

  1. Log in to your Facebook account.
  2. Click your Profile Picture in the top right and select Settings & Privacy.
  3. Click on Notifications.
  4. In the Apps section, click the Drop-down Arrow next to the app’s name.
  5. Select Off to disable notifications from that app.
  6. To disable all app notifications, select Turn off all notifications at the top of the Apps section.

By following these steps, you can manage and disable game notifications and app requests on Facebook according to your preferences.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)

Here are some common questions about disabling game requests and app notifications on Facebook

How do I turn off game notifications on Facebook?
You can disable game notifications through the Notifications settings in the Facebook app or website.

Can I stop all app notifications on Facebook?
Yes, you can turn off notifications for all apps by adjusting the notification settings.

What happens when I disable game requests?
You will no longer receive notifications or requests for games from your friends or apps.

Can I customize notifications for specific games?
Yes, you can selectively disable notifications for specific games while keeping others enabled.

Will disabling notifications affect my game progress?
No, disabling notifications will not impact your game progress; it just stops alerts and requests.

How can I re-enable notifications if I change my mind?
You can return to the Notifications settings and toggle the notifications back on for games or apps.

Do I need to uninstall the game to stop notifications?
No, you can disable notifications without uninstalling the game from your account.

Can I turn off notifications for Facebook games on mobile only?
Yes, you can adjust notifications specifically on your mobile app without affecting desktop settings.

Where can I find the settings to manage app notifications?
You can find app notification settings under Settings & Privacy > Notifications in both the app and on the desktop.

Are there any other ways to limit notifications on Facebook?
Besides disabling game notifications, you can also manage notifications for posts, friend requests, and other activities in the Notifications settings.

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