How Do You Change The Default Search Engine In Google Chrome?

Most of us become uneasy whenever our default Search Engine is not Google. Of course, we grew up with Google and we would definitely want it to be our default. If you are fond of downloading files, videos, etc., the software or the program you download might have embedded a different tool that led to that different search engine so you better watch out. Although this happens quite so often, worry no more! We’ll be teaching you how to change the default search engine for Google Chrome.

Why does my browser have a different search engine?

First and foremost, it actually depends on the browser. If you’re using a browser that is not Google Chrome, chances are your search engine will not be Google. However if you are using Google Chrome but your default is not Google, then that’s when you should start thinking.

Most of the time, when we download files from the internet, it would include tools, bookmarks, websites, and other programs that are not in any way related to what you’ve downloaded. Some files contain programs that have search engines. Thus, it causes your default to be what that file has and not Google.

How would I know that my default search engine is not Google?

This one is actually simple. You just need to type in something in the address bar. It will redirect you to the default search engine of your browser. From there, you’ll be able to know what your default search engine is.

Look at the below image for an example.

Address Bar GC 1Address Bar GC 2

As you can see in this example, I typed in EfrenNolasco website in the address bar. After hitting on Enter or the Search Button, it redirected me to the Google Results. Thus, my current default Search Engine now is Google. 

Read: 15 Google Search Tips and Tricks you may not Know

Before we get to how you can change the default search engine, you of course need to know what version your Google Chrome is in. Why would you want to do this?

  • Your browser may run slower than the usual because of the updates of some websites and your browser is not a par with those.
  • The Google Chrome browser might not be able to run the latest Flash because of the technicality of the settings. You won’t be able to play videos, etc.

So in order for you to know what version your Chrome is, hit on the Menu button or the Settings buttonin some versions; the three-dotted vertical line which is usually seen at the top right or left parts of the browser. From here, select Help. You will be able to see what version your Google Chrome is in and if it is up-to-date.

Google Help

How do I change this from another search engine to Google and vice versa?

Well, the comfortability of your searchers are solely dependent on what type of stuff you are searching for and the level of research you need. For instance, Google is currently ranked the number one and best sources for everything. So you might as well be beside Google when you want to research for something. Nevertheless, here is how you can change the default search engine in Google Chrome version 60.

Read: How to Add Second Layer Security to your Google Account

Just like in finding out what version it is, you need to again select the Menu button. From here, select Settings. Earlier we went and selected Help to know the current Google Chrome version, right? Now, we must hit on Settings.

GC Settings

From the Settings page, we need to enter the Settings panel again. This can be seen in the top-left part of the Settings page with the three-vertical line button.

It will prompt a menu making you select the following:

GC Settings 1

  • People
  • Appearance
  • Search engine
  • Default Browser
  • On startup

Obviously, we need to hit on Search Engine so that we could go and see what the current is.

GC Settings 3

Clicking search engine will redirect you to the area where you can see what your current engine is and the options that you have.

As you can see, the current search engine I have now is Google. Clicking on the dropdown menu on the right side of this option enables me to look at the other search engines available.

What if the search engine I want is not in this list?

Yeah, a question like this might pop out of a person’s mind especially if they’re running something or if they want a certain search engine to use. You do not have to worry because you can add that search engine!

See the Manage Search Engines button in the previous photo? Yes, the one below field that shows the default. Click on it for advanced settings. It will prompt what the previous page is but with much more detail.

Manage Search Engine

Under the Other Search Engines category, there is an Add button at its right-most corner. Click that and voila! You can add your own search engine.

GC Settings 5

Database or the engines are every person’s best friend. Whether it’d be for crucial and important information or just plain entertainment, you need to know what your engine can offer. Here is how you change your current search engine to Google and vice versa.

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