How to Apply for a Voluntary Member with PhilHealth

As we all know, PhilHealth is one of the government mandated requirements of employment because PhilHealth is an insurance company and it currently is the leading in its field here in our country. One good thing about it is that it is administered by the government – one reason also as to why many Filipinos rely on it. In this article, we will be teaching you how you can apply voluntarily with PhilHealth so that you can give your contributions for benefits and other things as well.

Before going into that, why is it easier to apply for PhilHealth under a company? The answer to that is because the companies you are in are responsible to give out the necessary forms and documents that you need to fill up. Yes, all you need to do is to ask for the documents and they shall give it to you.

However, you can also give your contributions even if you are currently unemployed or self-employed by paying individually and as to what other people refer to as voluntary member.

Read: How to check PhilHealth Contribution Online

Requirements Needed

In order to fully proceed with the process, ensure that you have in hand all the necessary requirements and documents which are as follows:

  • Duly accomplished PMRF (Philhealth Member Registration Form) or application form which you can download and print here.
  • Photocopy of NSO-certified Birth Certificate
  • At least two (2) valid IDs proving your identity (with picture)
  • Supporting documents of beneficiaries
    • NSO-authenticated birth certificate
  • Photocopy of Alien Certificate Registration (ACR) that was issued by the Bureau of Immigration (for foreigners)

The process is simple as ABCs because once you have all of these requirements, you can then proceed to any PhilHealth Office and submit the requirements. Once done, they will then generate your PhilHealth Number (PN) and you will be asked to make your contributions.

You can also have an ID by telling the staff in the office that you are trying to get a hold of a PhilHealth ID. You need to provide them with:

After getting your PhilHealth Number, you will then be asked to pay your contributions. It is recommended that you keep up with your contributions so that you will be eligible to different premiums and benefits.

Read: How to get PhilHealth Member Data Record (MDR) online

PhilHealth is probably the easiest and less hassle government mandated documentation of all. Not-so-long lines, easy access, and fast delivery – what more can you ask for, right?

Now that you know how you can voluntarily apply for PhilHealth, what are you waiting for? Join now so that you will be able to have the benefits, the privileges, and a lot more things that PhilHealth can offer.

Read Also: How to Register on PhilHealth Online

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