How to Apply for the Philippines International Driving Permit (PIDP)

A Philippines International Driving Permit (PIDP) allows its holders to drive private and rental cars overseas. There are countries that don’t require the PIDP however, their car rental companies may require one.

If you are planning to acquire an international driver’s license here in the Philippines, worry no more! In this article, we’ll give you a detailed step-by-step explanation and procedure that would enable you to obtain this permit.

The Requirements:

To apply for a Philippine International Driving Permit (PIDP), visit the Automobile Association of the Philippines (AAP) office near you. You must present the following requirements at hand:

  • Two (2) pieces of latest 2×2 colored ID photos with white background.
  • Original and photocopy of Philippine Driver’s License valid for at least one (1) year.
  • Authorization and any valid ID of representative in case of non-appearance.
  • Foreign nationals, dual citizens, and Filipino citizens born in other countries must present the original passport plus photocopies of pages showing identification and date of last arrival. If in case you are a permanent resident, you must present your passport and/or Alien Certificate Registration along with requirements no. 1 and 2.
  • The Philippine International Driving Permit (PIDP) fee of Php 3, 500.00

Note: Overseas Filipino Workers/OFWs are waived in the 20% membership fee and all they have to do is present either of the three: POEA ID, Seaman’s Passport, or Employment Contract abroad.

Validity Period

  • If your Philippine driver’s license is valid for more than one (1) year, the PIDP will be valid for one year from the date of issue.
  • If your Philippine driver’s license is valid for less than one year, the PIDP will follow the validity of your Philippine driver’s license.

To cut things short, the PIDP will be in-lined with the validity of your Philippine driver’s license.

If your PIDP expired while you were still outside the country, you can renew your PIDP online by visiting the AAP Website. However, you need to present the card type Philippine license before it wasexpired. If you presented only a temporary license, the photocopy of the temporary license together with the original Land Transportation Office (LTO) Certification and Official Receipt (OR) should also be presented.

Please take note that PIDP is issued only by the AAP, a PIDP issued elsewhere is nothing but FAKE; using it can get one holding it into serious trouble abroad.

Your knowledge and skill in driving is something you should be proud of. For a reason that it could possibly give you lots of job opportunities both here and abroad.

Another thing is that when traveling, the better way to explore the sights of other foreign countries is through driving. You just need to make sure that before hitting the road, you must have a PIDP to enjoy driving with privileges in other countries.

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Source: Automobile Association Philippines

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