How to Avail SSS Educational Assistance

There are also ways in order to fund education even if none of your family members would. You can go and produce funds by striving hard for it, you can search for ways to fund your education, or you can ask the Social Security System (SSS) help for that. Now, there is what we call the Educational Assistance Loan Program for workers and beneficiaries to borrow or lend money for enrollment, technical, and vocational courses. Here is everything you need to know about Educ-Assist.

What is the objective of this program?

People are wondering why this program had been born. To be frank, our own government wants its country to be filled with more professionals and skilled workers to give aid to the country’s economic and industrial productivity with agricultural expansion; and having this program enables our countrymen to have access to better and higher education to expand the reaches of what our people can do.

Read Also: SSS Loan restructuring eligibility and documentary requirements

Who are eligible for this program?

Not everyone is up for this program; there are certain criteria as to who can apply for this program.

  • All currently employed, currently contributing self-employed or voluntary member.
  • Member-borrower must have at least twelve (12) posted monthly contributions with at least one (1) contribution within the last three (3) months prior to the date of application for loan; if without one (1) contribution for the last three (3) months, member-borrower shall pay and present proof of payment.
  • Member-borrower whose last posted Monthly Salary Credit (MSC) is Php15,000 or below, provided that his/her actual monthly basic salary or income is not more than Php25,000; member-borrower who falls under MSC of Php15,000, must present proof of actual monthly salary/income of not more than Php 25,000.
  • Members who are up-to-date in the payment of salary/housing loan amortization. If with overdue amount, it must not exceed three (3) monthly loan amortization.

The members are not only the ones who can benefit from this program, it also includes their:

  • Legal Spouse
  • Child of the member (including illegitimate)
  • And sibling of unmarried SSS member (including half brother/sister)

How much can I loan if I go through this program?

The amount of loan depends on what type of education you are planning to pursue.

  • Vocational Course/Technical Course (2 years minimum) – Maximum of Php10,000.00 per semester/trimester or the exact amount of tuition fee + miscellaneous fees, whichever is lower, rounded off to the next higher Php100.00
  • Degree Course – Maximum of Php20, 000.00 per semester/trimester or the exact amount of tuition fee + miscellaneous fees, whichever is lower, rounded off to the next higher Php100.00
  • The loan is funded by National Government and SSS on 50:50 basis.


The National Government portion or the 50% of the loan is no interest while the other 50% of loan that covered by SSS has an interest of 6% per annum based on diminishing principal balance until fully paid. A 1% penalty per month will be charge for any unpaid amortization.


In order to apply for this program, the member should have:

  • SSS ID or two (2) valid IDs
  • A duly accomplished application form
  • Assessment/billing statement issued by the school of the member/beneficiary
  • Proof of monthly salary/income : pay slip or pay envelope or employer’s certification (For Employed).
  • Income Tax Return or affidavit of income (For self-employed/voluntary paying).

At what form shall the support be released?

After submitting your application, SSS shall release a check payable to the school where the member/beneficiary is enrolled and it will be released to the member/beneficiary. Subsequent loan releases shall be made upon submission of another accomplished application form along with assessment/billing statement from the school. Validation may be done to ensure that the member/beneficiary will continue school.

Education is the best investment you can make; our government came up with ways to support a person’s education here in our country. Did you have any idea about this? Go and inquire now. Stay tuned for more helpful articles and guides.

Read Also: List of SSS benefits for their members

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3 thoughts on “How to Avail SSS Educational Assistance”

  1. Pwede po bang sabay ang loan ko for Educational Assistence kahit kakafile ko lang din po ng loan last August 3 for salary loan?


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