How to capture screenshot on iPad or iPad Mini

This is a simple but useful tutorial on how to capture your iPad or iPad mini screen without using any application. I make this simple tutorial for the new iPad user, I know that there are so many tutorials out there, but I want to make it easy to understand and follow. Owning an apple device at first time is exciting, you want to learn some tricks that you can use to show to your friends. So follow the simple step on how to capture screenshot on iPad or iPad Mini.

Just hold the home and power button of your iPad or iPad Mini simultaneously and you will hear a click like a camera shot, and your screen will blink, if you find difficult to hold this two button at the same time you can hold first the power button and while holding the power button click on the home button or vice versa.  See the picture below.

How to take screenshot on iPad

After that you’re finished, you can see your screenshot, picture of the camera roll photos, just click the home button again, tap on the photos and find the picture, usually at the bottom part, see the picture below.


See this article if you want to know how to download picture from the internet or Facebook photos into your iPad or iPad Mini.

Please consider sharing this simple tutorial if you find it helpful.

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