How to Earn on Lazada

E-commerce is by far one of the greatest innovative ideas that have been invented. It provides efficiency and convenience to both business owners and consumers. Wherein buying and selling of goods and services can be done online and the processing of payment and needed data to close a sale is done virtually. It has also given a bigger market for business owners to offer their goods and services, reaching areas that are too far away from them to make physical transactions.

Lazada is one of the top E-commerce platforms in the Philippines is frequently visited by online shoppers and preferred by online sellers. And since the pandemic has hit the country, the rate of online shoppers has substantially increased. For business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs, the increase of online shoppers is the indication to step up their business plans. It is high time to consider E-commerce to have a bigger market for the successful growth of their businesses.

Read: The Best Ways To Earn Money Online In The Philippines

Lazada is a Singaporean company that solely focuses on E-commerce. It was acquired by Alibaba Group in the year 2016 and is currently owned by them. The acquisition of Alibaba Group only shows how successful Lazada as an E-commerce platform. As one of the top E-commerce in the country, Lazada is one of the best E-commerce platforms to start growing your business.

How to Earn on Lazada

There are 2 guaranteed ways to earn on Lazada. The first is to become a Lazada Seller, and the second is to be an Affiliate Marketer for Lazada.

1. Become a Lazada Seller

The variety of goods that are being sold in Lazada ranges from basic commodities such as detergents, milk, canned goods, and other related goods that can be shipped without being rotten or damage to bizarre goods such as hair wax, foil balloons, phone holder, and other unusual products you can think of.

Although Lazada is a great platform to increase your business profit, certain goods are prohibited from selling. Based on the policy of Lazada the prohibited goods are the following:

  • Food products that are not in compliance with Food Regulations
  • Plagiarized or dangerous software
  • Any types of weapon
  • Portraying pornography
  • Equipment of Telecommunications
  • Forbidden Games and gambling items
  • Prohibited drugs that are toxic and acids

Now that you have basic knowledge on what goods can be and cannot be sold on Lazada, and you have decided to be a Lazada Seller, make sure to complete the basic requirements first before signing up as a Lazada Seller.


  • License to operate Business in the Philippines
  • Register a Payoneer card as a business
  • Provide an e-mail and phone number to register an account
  • A seller must have previous E-commerce experiences, such as eBay, Amazon, and other E-commerce platforms

How to Become a Lazada Seller

Step 1. Registration

  • Head on to Lazada’s website at
  • On the upper-center part of their website, click the “Sell on Lazada” option, and then click on the “Sign Up Now” button.
  • Complete the Lazada registration form.
  • Upload the required documents: Mayor’s permit, BIR Certificate of Registration (Form 2303), DTI Permit.
  • Read the seller agreement and then click accept.
  • Provide your bank details

Step 2. Orientation Training

  • Finish the provided training and survey online.
  • To start selling, make sure to verify your seller center account.

Step 3. Start Selling Your Products

  • On your seller center account, start uploading photos and add the details of your products for posting.
  • Check your account from time to time, to confirm buyer’s orders.
  • Have a real-time chat support system to answer inquiries and concerns of buyers.

2. Lazada Affiliate Marketing

Another way to earn on Lazada is through Affiliate Marketing. But how do Affiliate Marketing works? Affiliate Marketing is as simple as advertising a company product or service, and when a buyer purchase through your referral link you will earn a commission. The rate of the commission you will earn can reach up to 10% or higher depending on the rules of the company you are marketing for.

How Lazada Affiliate Program Works

Through the Lazada Affiliate Program, you can easily earn money online by promoting the products of Lazada to your families and friends. If you have a bigger social network or aspiring to have a blog, website, YouTube channel, or other social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can easily generate a commission as a Lazada Affiliate.

Under the Lazada Affiliate Program, verified Lazada Affiliate will be granted an Affiliate Account where banners and deep links which are special codes, are provided to be placed on a blog or a website. When a visitor clicks the banner or deep links, they will be redirected to the shopping site of Lazada. Once the referral successfully buys anything within 30 days, the Affiliate Marketer will get a commission for the buyer who was referred through the banner or deep links from their blog or website.

For aspiring Lazada affiliates, a commission will be granted to every purchase from your referral link. To earn more commission, it is important to drive more traffic on your blog, website, Youtube channel, and other social media platforms.

To become a Lazada Affiliate, visit their website at and start signing up to earn a commission.

Read also: 7 Different Ways to Earn Money Online Using Your Smartphone

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