How to File Petition for Correction of Entry (CCE) or Change of First Name (CFN) under RA 9048 of Birth Certificate

Your PSA/NSO documents are necessary in almost every transaction that you will take on, like getting government IDs, applying passport, insurance and other important documentations. That’s why you must see to it that you have a correct registration at the local civil registrar for the assurance that your document will be forwarded correctly and will be recorded in the PSA database for your future request.

Sadly, in any reason, there are Birth Certificate contains clerical or typographical error that needs correction. According to the law, a clerical or typographical error refers to an obvious mistake committed in clerical work, either in writing, copying, transcribing, or typing an entry in the civil register that is harmless and innocuous, such as a misspelled name or misspelled place of birth and the like, and can be corrected or changed only by reference to other existing record or records.

Read: How to Correct Erroneous Entries in Birth Certificate

Moreover, change of a person’s first name in his/her civil registry document under certain grounds specified under the law through administrative process as follows:

(a.) The petitioner finds the first name or nickname to be ridiculous, tainted with dishonor or extremely difficult to write or pronounce;

(b.) The new first name or nickname has been habitually and continuously used by the petitioner and he has been publicly known by that first name or nickname in the community; or,

(c.) The change will avoid confusion.

Gladly, RA 9048 amends Articles 376 and 412 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, which prohibit the change of name or surname of a person, or any correction or change of entry in a civil register without a judicial order. RA 9048 allows correction of clerical or typographical errors in any entry in civil registry documents, except corrections involving the change in sex, age, nationality and status of a person. Republic Act (RA) 9048 authorizes the city or municipal civil registrar or the consul general to correct a clerical or typographical error in an entry and/or change the first name or nickname in the civil register without need of a judicial order.

Read: Requirements and Procedure for Late Registration of Birth Certificate in the Philippines

Below are the Requirements, Fees and the Procedure in filing a Petition for Correction of Entry (CCE) or Change of First Name (CFN).


For Correction of Clerical Error

  • Birth/Marriage/Death containing the alleged erroneous entries (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Birth Certificate of Father (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Birth Certificate of Mother (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Marriage Contract of Parents (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Birth Certificate of Two (2) Siblings (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Baptismal Certificate (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • School Record (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Voter’s Registration Record (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Other

For Change of First Name

  • Birth Certificate containing the alleged erroneous entries (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Birth Certificate of Father (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Birth Certificate of Mother (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Marriage Contract of Parents (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Birth Certificate of Two (2) Siblings (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Baptismal Certificate (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • School Record (3 Certified Xerox Copies)
  • Other


  • NBI Clearance (Name Wrongly Entered)
  • Police Clearance (Name Wrongly Entered)
  • Employer’s Certification/Clearance (3 copies). Please state “No Administrative & Criminal Cases Pending.”
  • Ombudsman Clearance (If Government Employee)
  • Affidavit of No Employment (If not employed)
  • Affidavit of Explanation for Change of First Name (3 copies)

Filing Fees and/or Service Fees

 Filing FeeService Fee (Migrant Petition only)
 Correction of Clerical ErrorP1,000.00P 500.00
 Change of First NameP 3,000.00P 1,000.00


Step 1: Go to Civil registry office or municipality where your birth certificate is registered. Get a transaction ID for RA 9048 at the Front Desk

Step 2: Present your civil registry record to be corrected or changed (CCE or CFN) with the supporting documents for evaluation at the RA 9048 staff

Step 3: Fill up the necessary forms (document track form & petition)

Step 4: Pay the filing fees and/or service fees at the City Treasure’s Office.

Step 5: File the petition at the Administrative Division and get the file copy of the petition with claim stub

Note: For Change of First Name (CFN), cause the publication of the NOTICE OF PUBLICATION in a newspaper of general circulation for two (2) consecutive weeks. Thereafter, submit the newspaper clippings and affidavit of publication to the CCRO.

Step 6: Pay the corresponding fees for the registration of the Decision after the Decision of the CCR is affirmed by the OCRG

Step 7: Return to the CCRO on the day specified in the claim stub to receive the Certificate of Registration.

Please note that, if petitioner is a minor or physically or mentally incapacitated, petition may be filed by his spouse, or any of his children, parents, brothers; sisters; grandparents, guardians, or persons duly authorized by law.

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Source: PSA

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