How to Repair Google Chrome loading Problem

Recently, I just experienced a problem with my Google Chrome browser, I use this browser because its user-friendly, fast and secure, but suddenly when I am opening some sites, it stops working, I check my internet connection, I think I only lost my Wi-Fi connection but it’s OK, I’ll try some browser like Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer both are working fine.

I remove all the add-ons, clear the cache, cookies and browsing history, close the browser, restart my laptop, uninstall Chrome, and scan my laptop, but all of them not work, these are all based on the instructions from Google help and some blogger that I found while searching for a solution.

Maybe you also do the same to solve this problem, I’m considering reformatting my laptop, but it takes time, so I keep searching to solve this problem the easy way. Fortunately, I found a very easy way to repair Google chrome loading problem.

Here is a simple and easy way to repair Google Chrome loading problem. Before you start make sure you close your Chrome browser.

1. In your desktop, right-click the Google Chrome icon, click on properties.

How to fix Google Chrome loading Problem

2. Go to the ” Target” field and add this at the end of the target location, press space, then type “–no-sandbox “ without the quote.

How to fix Google Chrome loading Problem-2

3. Click OK and you’re done. Please consider sharing this article if you find it useful.

Warning: Disabling the sandbox can put your computer at risk for malware. You should only disable the feature if you have security software that requires it and provides similar protection.

Update: I’m not sure if this still work today but when the time I created this article everything works fine, please leave comments below if you have any suggestions, corrections or idea how to repair Google Chrome if still have problem, specially the updated version.

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