How to Get GCash Mastercard?

Are you looking to get a GCash Mastercard but you’re not entirely sure where you can? Do you need a guide that you can follow for you to be able to acquire or obtain a GCash Mastercard?

Get a GCash Mastercard
This image was From Coder In the Box

If so, then you’re just on the right page! In this guide, we will help you in terms of how you can get a GCash Mastercard!

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What is a GCash Mastercard?

It is the physical card that’s been spawned from the efforts of GCash, the country-wide online payments facility that millions and millions of Filipinos are using.

The GCash Mastercard is the result of the collaboration and the partnership of the GCash and the CIMB Bank.

It’s one of the first few cards that you can get without ever setting foot inside banking premises! So, you don’t have to worry about COVID-19 nor you have to think about long lines!

And in this guide alone, you will know how you can get a GCash Mastercard!

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What Can You Use the GCash Mastercard For?

But before we dive into that further, let us take a look at some of the few ways on where you can use the GCash Mastercard.

Is it only for GCash partner merchants? Can you pay bills with it? To keep it short, sweet, and simple for you, it’s a type of card you can use like how you would use a regular debit card, because, it literally is just a regular debit card! You just got it from GCash, but its primary function is a debit card!

You can use it to:

  • Withdraw money from Mastercard and BancNet affiliated ATMs
  • Make online payments for bills
  • Shop online
  • Pay in physical stores
  • And many more!

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It’s a versatile tool that you can take advantage of and your bank account? It’s going to be your GCash balance!

Process on How to Get a GCash Mastercard

If you thought that getting a GCash debit card is difficult, think again! As a matter of fact, you can actually order it while you’re watching your favorite movies and TV shows at home!

Here are a couple of things and reminders you need to take note of before you proceed to order a card:

  • The GCash Mastercard is only exclusive to verified GCash members. So, if you’re GCash account isn’t verified yet, you wouldn’t be eligible to get the Mastercard.
  • Incomplete orders, which is the absence of payment is subject to the cancellation of the card; and it will happen within five (5) days.

Without further ado, here’s the procedure on how you can get a GCash Mastercard!

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  1. Fill out the GCash Mastercard Order Form, which you can access by clicking here.
  2. Double-check all of the information you’ll provide because errors can cause delays. Also, your orders can get canceled.
  3. For the delivery address, make sure that it’s 100% accurate, too.
  4. You’ll see the Order Number when you click on Submit. This is what you will get upon payment.
  5. Once that’s taking place, you’d have to pay the card via the GCash app! You can do so by following this simple guide:
    1. Payment Bills
    2. Payment Solutions
    3. GCash Mastercard
  6. When it’s all finished and done, you will receive an SMS confirmation that the system received your request and that it’s being processed.

Usually, the delivery time will be within ten (10) days from the receipt confirmation.

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Non-Serviceable Areas 

There would be instances where the place you live and reside in would be non-serviceable. When this happens, you’d have to opt for another option on how you can get a GCash Mastercard, such as convenience stores like 7-Eleven, Ministop, and others.

Moreover, you can also check and get one in Robinsons Business Centers, SM Business Centers, and those of the like.

Want to know if your area is serviceable or not? Access this list presented by GCash!

Important Reminders 

Here are some other important reminders you need to know before you decide to get a GCash Mastercard:

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  • Since February 2021, all GCash Mastercards that contain the EMV Chips are valid up until the year 2023 only. Therefore, card renewal is a must.
  • There are instances where the delivery is delayed due to the enhanced regulations of the ECQ.

So, if you ever find yourself in need to get a GCash Mastercard, don’t fret – this is the guide on how you can do it!

Don’t bother to wait in line – get it in the comfort of your own home!

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