How to Get New Postal ID

For those who are asking how to get new Postal ID, I will simplify the steps in this article, although in my previous post I already mention everything you need to know about the new Postal ID, I didn’t tell you the step-by-step procedure, how to get one.

To know the step, I apply for a new Postal ID to experience and I will share it to you in this article. Unlike getting  any government ID’s like a driver’s license, SSS ID, PRC license, etc., you need to pass the exam or need to be a member to get the ID.

While Postal ID, anyone can get, as long as you have the basic requirements that almost everybody has. Take a look at the requirements.

Proof of Identity (any of the following)

  • NSO Birth Certificate
  • MCR/LCR Birth Certificate
  • SSS ID
  • LTO Driver’s License
  • Passport

Proof of Residence (any of the following)

  • Barangay Clearance
  • Barangay Certificate
  • Electric Bill
  • Water Bill
  • Police Clearance
  • NBI Clearance

For Married Women, additional document.

  • Marriage Contract

Aside from the required documents, you will also need to bring money for the payment of the new postal ID, according to PHL Post the new postal ID will cost Php 414.40 including the 12% VAT, but the price will vary depending on the location and the post office where you apply, I don’t know why.

When I have applied I just bring my birth certificate and electric bill, you can also get Barangay clearance, which is easier to get proof of your residence. I also pay 450 pesos for the new postal ID, the additional 35 pesos is for the computer fee said the post office personnel, when I asked him.

Once all the requirements are ready, go to the post office and apply for the new postal ID, if capturing sites is not available in your local post office, they will refer you to the nearest capturing sites to process your application.

Here are the steps when applying for a new Postal ID

  1. Fill out the application form that you can download or get in the Post office, make sure all the personal information are correct, you can also ask for assistance if you have something to clarify.
  2. After filling out the application form, the next is to capture your fingerprints, signature and photo, wait until all the information entered in the computer, you can also review all the input data, if everything all correct and you’re satisfied with your photo, the personnel will instruct you to confirm with your fingerprints.
  3. That’s it, you will get a receipt for your payment and the acknowledgement slip that you will bring when claiming your new Postal ID when it is finished that will be delivered to the post office near your place. Depending how far is your place, you will wait at least 1 month before your postal ID arrived.

For more questions about the new postal ID, you may refer to my previous post about new Postal ID.

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