How to Get UnionBank EON Card

The UnionBank EON Visa Debit Card is an internet based deposit account. It allows all your banking transactions easy with a click of a mouse.

It can make your everyday shopping more convenient. If you’re interested to own this debit card read the requirements and step-by-step procedure below how to get the UnionBank EON Card.

What are the Features of UnionBank EON Debit Card?

When you get the UnionBank EON Card it includes a UnionBank deposit account where you can use to accept deposits from your clients. These are the features of the UnionBank EON Card.

  • No minimum balance to maintain
  • No branches. No passbooks or checkbooks. No transaction slips. No time wasted. Do your banking transaction in 60 seconds at home, or anywhere in the world where you have Internet access
  • You can Pay your bills online
  • Make balance inquiries
  • Transfer funds from your EON account to another UnionBank account or any other bank account in the Philippines
  • It can also accept check deposit

What are the requirements of getting UnionBank EON Card account

Ok, you know the features and benefits of having this UnionBank EON card and you want it. The next thing you need to know before you get one is the requirements. These are the requirements.

  • Php 350 for the first annual fee
  • Original and photocopy of 2 valid photo bearing IDs (list of valid IDs)
  • Proof of billing to positively establish identity, permanent address and source of funds
  • The Pickup branch must be within the area of residence/business/office.
  • NOTE: UnionBank reserves the right to require customers to present more than one valid ID.

If everything is set, you can now apply for UnionBank EON Debit Card. Application is simple, you must fill out the application form online first and get the reference number before you visit the UnionBank branch of your choice to submit the requirements. Follow the steps below.

1. First, go to EON card application form page and fill out the form completely with correct info, make sure to select the pick-up branch near in your home residence or the address in the proof of billing, then click “Submit”.

2. That’s it, take note your reference number, you also receive a confirmation message with the reference number on the phone number and email you provided in the registration.

3. Take all the requirements you have prepared before to the UnionBank branch that you selected. Make sure to do it within 10 days from filling your application, their system will clear all the application after that period.

If your requirements are complete and no problem you can get your UnionBank EON card immediately after signing some required documents.

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post, and also I am not affiliated with UnionBank. I wrote this how-to guide based on my experience when I get UnionBank EON card.

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