How to shop safely at

The best things are now being sold in the internet which is why most people swim in the pool of online shops to get what they are looking for. There are a lot of websites where you can buy stuff, a lot of Instagram and Facebook pages that offer merchandise, food, services, etc. The best online hub for shopping at the most discounted rates here in the Philippines is at In this article, you will know what is and how you can successfully transact without having the fear of being scammed and fooled.

What is

OLX is a global network where buyers and sellers meet with the two having different goals and ideals. Sellers want to earn extra income for themselves and buyers want to look for items at a discounted rate. is the Philippine based ads site. was its name before but it was bought and taken over by OLX. It is where opposes meet and agree into a price to gain profit and to avail discounts.

What are the things I can purchase in

Before, people sold things that are not being used anymore (2nd hand) in this ads site such as jewelry, instruments, shoes, appliances, gadgets, etc. Now, it is one of the leading marketplaces wherein you can find purchases from shoes, gadgets, clothing to businesses, cars, deals, gift cards, car rentals, services, etc. It is actually where you can find the things you want; all you have to do is search for the thing that you want to buy and contact the person who is selling it.

Read: How to setup online shopping without credit card

How can I shop safely?

A lot of people are questioning the safety and the reliability of online shopping. There are instances that buyers get scammed, scalped, and robbed because of online shopping. So how can you ensure that what you are doing is safe and legitimate?

  1. Know the seller. There is nothing more important than knowing who are having business with. Ask him or her background information and tell the person that you only want security. If he/she is a trusted seller, they’ll understand.
  2. Do not give all your information. Giving out information like your bank details, address, and other irrelevant information as regards your transaction is not necessary. If you are buying, the person would not have anything to do with your bank account, right? So be careful.
  3. If meet up is the agreement, do this in a mall. If you and your seller agrees to do meet up to save for shipping fees, demand to do the swap in a mall where there will be a lot of people and security personnel. Insist in meeting up somewhere sketchy.
  4. Look for feedback. Feedback is given to sellers in order to let people know whether they are a con or a legitimate seller. Look for feedback; ask the community of OLX if your seller is real.
  5. If you have one, pay by credit card. Paying by credit card allows you to secure your payment by including the right to “charge back” if you have been a victim of fraudulent acts. They will investigate your claim and give you what you have put out if they’ll conclude you’ve been robbed.
  6. Know the original SRP of the item you are buying. Sellers would have prices a bit higher or lower than the original price. A person who is not able to tell what the original price is might be a person trying to clown you away. Know the original price before proceeding with transactions.

Although there have been a few instances of fraud in OLX, a lot are still patronizing the establishment because of the network, peers, discounts, and opportunities that it gives to people. Remember all the guidelines in order to ensure your personal safety.

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