How to Turn off Seen feature on Facebook Chat

Want to have privacy while chatting with your Facebook friends? When Facebook release updates on their messenger, you will know if your friends open or see your message because  of “seen” features will appear below the message.

Same as you, if you see their message, it will also mark as seen in their end. Now, if you did not reply to the message, your friends think like you, it’s like you ignore their message which is not ok.

To turn off or disable “Seen” features in Facebook chat, there are some useful browser extension/add-ons that you can add to your browser to disable this feature.

This tutorial is only working if you are using Facebook chat in the browser that has the extension added. Here’s how to turn off seen feature in Facebook chat.

Using Google Chrome browser

To turn off Facebook “seen” feature in Google Chrome browser, you need to add “Facebook chat privacy” extension in your browser.

Step 1: Go to this link and click “Add to Chrome” button

disable facebook seen feature on chat - chrome

Step 2: Click add button in the popup to confirm adding the extension

Disable Facebook seen feature - chrome step 2

Step 3: And that’s it, easy and simple, when you use Facebook chat in your Chrome browser, your friends will not see if you already read their message.

disable facebook chat seen feature chrome step 3

If you want to disable or delete the extension, just go to extension page of your browser by typing this “chrome://extensions/” without quote to the chrome address bar and uncheck the “Enable” checkbox.

disable facebook seen feature chrome

Using Mozilla Firefox browser

On Firefox, you can disable Facebook seen option like in Chrome, just adding “Facebook Message Seen Disable” add-on same as the extension will disable the feature.

Step 1: Go to this link and click “Add to Firefox” button

Disable facebook seen feature in firefox

Step 2: Click install in the pop up, then it’s all set, you don’t need to restart the browser to activate Facebook Message Seen Disable.

disable facebook seen feature in Mozilla

To disable add-ons in Firefox, enter “about:addons” in the address bar and select the extension that you want to disable.

Disable facebook chat seen feature - firefox

Now that you have installed add-ons/extension on your favorite browser, you can now read your friends Facebook message anytime and reply whenever you want without the hassle of replying to the message.

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