How to use Instagram Direct on Android device

Recently the popular photo sharing site Instagram introduced their new feature called Instagram Direct. This feature gives users the power to send their private photos or videos to the intended recipient only.

Unlike before if you posted a picture it will automatically publish to the timeline of all that followed you. Another good thing in this new feature is that you can send simultaneously for up to 15 people that you want to receive your private photo or video.

If you’re new in Instagram and still no idea how to use this new feature, in this post you will learn how to take advantage this new feature. The only thing that you want to do is to follow the given steps below, we provided a screenshot for every step for you to understand easily.

Before you go through the steps to make sure that you have the updated version of the Instagram app from Google Play, if not, go ahead download a new version or update your Instagram app, if you’re ready follow the steps.

  1. Login to your Instagram account.How to use Instagram Direct zps5ee3e926
  2. Got to your inbox, located at the top right corner of your screen, see the screenshotHow to use Instagram Direct1 zpsd15a3c76
  3. You will now redirected to your inbox/direct where you can see all the photos or videos that you sent before. Tap on the “+” icon to add your photos or videos that you want to send.How to use Instagram Direct5 zpsd3913e4e
  4. Tapping “+” will automatically turn on your camera to capture photo or video, if the photo that you want to send is ready in your gallery tap on open from icon, see the screenshot.How to use Instagram Direct2 zps8bd72710
  5. Select gallery to choose your photo/videoHow to use Instagram Direct7 zpsb94755ca
  6. After you select your photo that you want to send, you will redirected to crop window, you can now crop or select parts of the photo that you want to send, if you’re satisfied tap on the “>” at the upper-right corner, see the screenshotHow to use Instagram Direct4 zps72b799b4
  7. Filter your photo,  choose a filter to transform its look and feel, if you’re done, tap on “>” at the upper-right corner, see the screenshotHow to use Instagram Direct6 zps29a6239e
  8. Next window is to add caption in your photo and select the recipient, you can select up to 15 people. If you’re ready to send tap on the “√” to send your photo in the contacts you selected.How to use Instagram Direct3 zpsbfcdec74

What do you think about the new features on Instagram? Have you given them a try? Please leave us a comment below and we will get back to you.

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