How To Utilize Smart phones As A Tool For Learning?

In this age of technology, teachers find it really hard to get students to put away their phones, and focus all their attention on the lecture or other class activities. A number of students present in the classroom are often found busy on their mobile devices.

More often than not, these mobile devices are smartphones, which provide easy internet access. And hence, the students are able to check out their social media sites using these devices. But this is not the only purpose these devices can be used for.

Smart phones As A Tool For Learning

As they also have a host of education-friendly apps, all the teachers out there – who are dealing with this issue – would be glad to know that they can usefully incorporate smartphones into the process of learning. Device-based learning has been found to improve the learning outcomes achieved by the students. The teachers only need to know how making it possible.

Making sure the use is academic

Teachers usually feel frustrated when the students sitting in front of them are more interested in checking their cell phones rather than what is going on in the class. In order to have the full attention of the students, teachers should give up the method of lecturing at the front of the class. Instead, they should walk around while delivering the lecture, or after they have assigned a task to the students. Meanwhile, they can keep a check on the students’ activities on their smartphones,in order to ensure they are purely academic, and related only to the task the teacher has assigned.

Using smartphone apps for organizing better

Countless education-related smartphone apps are available these days. These apps can be used effectively for the purpose of enhancing the process of learning in several different ways. For instance, there is an app Remind101. When the students sign up for this app, a text reminder is sent to them whenever they have an assignment deadline approaching.

Another great thing about the app is that it also engages the parents. The parents who sign up for the application also receive reminders when an assignment is due, and in this way they can keep track of their children’s homework.Several teachers have found that after they started using the app, many more students started doing their homework. This is because these students were previously not doing their homework simply because they had forgotten about it. The app helped them to become better organized.

Making use of apps for learning, social sciences

When it comes to teaching social sciences, teachers will find a number of apps that would help them in the process. Though you will not be able to access all such apps on Android devices, a great number of them are available on iPhones and iPads. An example of these apps is World Wiki – an application which provides demographic information related to about 250 countries across the world.

Allowing students some time for entertainment

And last but not the least, it is not always good to shut all the doors to entertainment for students in the classroom environment. It is extremely important that the students enjoy the learning process, and the overall classroom experience. Allowing them some time for having fun actually makes the students focus better on their educational tasks.

As fun, fosters productivity, teachers should, once in a while, permit the students to log in to their social media accounts or text their friends. Once they are done, they will focus all their attention on what is being taught. This is very much important if the teacher wishes to successfully incorporate technology in the learning process.

About the Author: Jocelyn Marielin is a technology expert who frequently contributes technology-related articles for various websites. These days, is publishing his articles, which carry a wealth of information for people who wish to enhance their knowledge of technology. For more detail you can follow her at: Twitter

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