India, an Incredible Destination for Technology Professionals

With the advancement of the new technology IT industry (Information Technology) in India has been flourished. India is emerging as a world class IT industry sector with high profile techno savvy manpower. Basically IT industries play a catalytic role in the transformation of India’s image in world market.

Leading Technology Hubs in India

India’s 5 metropolitan cities, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi and Pune are considered as global information technology hubs that create an extensive horizon of IT job opportunities for fresher’s in India.

Bangalore is the largest software exporter from Indian. Top Indian IT companies like Infosys, Wipro, has been built their head quarters in Bangalore. Bangalore is a city where Intel, Yahoo, and SAP Labs has been also made their head office.

Destination for Technology Professionals

World class IT infrastructure and strong industrial base made Chennai second largest IT service provider in India. Famous IT companies like TCS, Accenture, Cognizant, HCL, Polaris, has their operational center in Chennai.

Hyderabad is taking the third position in India. City is also known Cyberabad which consists of number of multinational companies such as Google, Cognizant, and TATA Consultancy Service etc.

It is Delhi where high ranking software service providers are scattered. Leading national and international IT firms and companies present in Pune. It is known as Tech City and Pune is one of the biggest global IT service and outsourcing exporter in India. A number of leading multinational Companies such as TCS, Tech Mahindra, Syntel, and Infosys has been set up their office in Pune.

Prospects of IT jobs in India

Today India is one of the biggest IT capitals in the world and has strong presence in the world of IT sector. IT industry is the massive employment generating sector. With the upgrading of technology India’s leading companies are now developing their own products and services in a different way and launching them in the field of the world market. It is expected the future growth of IT and IT enabled service would be fuelled by the health care, mobile application.

Due to the globalization manufacturing sector, telecom industry, insurance, banking and finance sectors are becoming the growth driver for IT jobs. Earlier research work had been concentrated on programming technologies like Java, but nowadays the trend is changing and research focus is shifted towards technologies like mobile computing, cloud computing as well as software as a service. India’s cost effective IT services are almost 3-4 times cheaper than the US. In the global market it is India’s biggest unique selling proposition (USP). So it is expected India has a huge opportunity to develop the Indian IT market.

Qualification for IT jobs

Top IT colleges are situated in India and most of them are offering BE/ B Tech in computer science. There are other computer courses such as B.Sc. (Computer) it is also known as B.C.S (Bachelor of computer science) M.A.C. (Master of Computer Application) M.C.M. (Master of Computer Management) D.C.A. (Diploma in Computer Applications) D.C.E. (Diploma in Computer Engineering) D.C.S. (Diploma in Computer Science).Students those are unable to submit their application form in Government colleges can apply to private colleges. But before apply the application form a thorough research should be made.

Best paying IT Company in India

Here is a list of top 8 highest paying IT companies in India.

  • Google– Google, a Silicon Valley based company, is now one of the highest paying IT Company in India. Average salary of a senior software engineer would be 14-25lac/annum.
  • HP – Hewlett Packard is generally known as HP has total assets more than $100billon and presently more than 317,500 employees are spread all over the world. An average payment of fresher software engineer would be7.5lac/annum.
  • IBM- It is the company where the highest numbers of Indians are being recruited. This company is offering more than 8lac/annum for software engineer and 11lac/annum for senior engineer. But it is not employee friendly IT Company.
  • Microsoft – It is the company which has been developed MS DOS, is a basic computer operating system in the mid of 1980s and followed by Microsoft Windows. Microsoft has allotted an average salary of 11.5lac/annum for fresher and 18lac/annum for a senior engineer in India.
  • Goldman Sachs –It is basically an investment company but surprisingly highest average salary package for software engineers. Average salary 10lac/annum for software engineer.
  • Adobe– For freshers more than 9 lac/annum as a software engineer and approximately 8lac/annum for software developer. Median salary for a senior engineer in adobe is more than 13lac/annum.
  • CISCO– More than 60,000 employees are working in CISCO. Company provides more than 9lac/annum for freshers engineers and 6.5lac/annum for software developers.
  • Intel – An average salary at Intel is around 10lac/annum. Hardworking and good employees are enjoying salary package around 10 to 11lac/annum.

Author Bio: Ziya is a blogger and a professional career author with proven expertise in writing for topics related to jobs, job trends, different job opportunities, various workplace and industry information, tips and strategies for job seekers.

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