Applying for a loan is one of the things that people are looking forward to do. This is because they’ll be getting a lumpsum of the money they need in exchange for a monthly amount. Why is this good, if you may ask? Because most of us need a large sum and are “okay” in paying for a monthly amortization even with interest. Although calculating the interest rate is in no way part of your job, calculating for it upfront could really do you a lot better.
What is the importance of calculating the interest rate ahead of time?
Image: Pixabay
Since you’re the one who will be paying the interest rate, would it just be fair if you know how you will pay for it? I mean, some of you won’t mind and would just allow the banks to calculate for it, it’s still going to be better if you know how to compute for it manually because you won’t know when you’ll be needing it next.
First thing is to let you realize that “it’s not all the same.” Although banks offer different types of payment arrangements, you won’t feel the interest eating you up since it’s just a small amount per month. But knowing how to compute for the interest rate could help you in making better decisions;
So that you know how much you have to set aside in terms of paying for the interest rate;
We all know that banks have their own kind of hocus pocus that most of us just disregard. To tell you honestly, in these little things, banks grow in multitudes.
Let’s put it to an example. Say for example you make a loan of Php50, 000.00 payable in 12 months/1 full year. You inquire in two (2) different banks and let’s name them:
Bank ABC; and
Bank 123
Bank ABC
3 thoughts on “Applying For A Loan? How To Compute For The Interest Rate From Different Banks?”
Pano po mkapag apply ng calamity loan
Paano po maka register?
how to apply loan