
Investments you can make with Php20,000 or less

Financial education as entrepreneurs said, are not taught and learned in school which is why many Filipinos are struggling financially; which is why many Filipinos get struck by fear when it comes to risk-taking. Having a fair amount of money can make you start your own business. In line with that, you can also reach for investments, short or long-term investments that can make your money grow. But many of us have no idea on where to invest our money in but in this article, you will be enlightened; you will have ideas on where to invest your P20, 000 or less that can multiply and make you financially reliable.


“Education is the best investment you can make.” That saying kept almost everyone going even if they are dead-tired from what they are doing. It’s true, self-improvement is always the best thing you can do with your money. While you are still young, the best investment you can attain that can make a lot of branches for you in the future is education.

Learn how to invest, learn how to become a manager, learn how to make or create things like paper, cloth, or any other thing that can make your money fruitful. Remember that education is always best if the one being educated is both dedicated and driven.

Investments you can make with Php20,000
Photo from flickr

Unit Trust Investment Fund (UTIF)

According to Banco De Oro, (BDO) Unit Trust Investment Funds “pool the funds of investors to create a large fund which, under the watchful eyes of professional fund managers, can productively harness these funds, taking advantage of economies of scale.” With this, it is clear that even people who are not huge investors, can access investments that are most often just for huge investors.

Read: How to buy stocks in Philippines Stock market

This kind of investment grows better in a medium to long-term investment. In Security Bank’s UTIF calculator, this is what the company sees as per growth of your investment. If you put money on the 8th of January, 2016, this is how it will look like:

Initial investment 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months
P10,000 10,819.98 11,143.67 11,098.78 11,341.81
P15,000 16,229.96 16,715.50 16,648.17 17,012.71
P20,000 21,639.95 22,287.33 22,197.55 22,683.61
P25,000 27,049.94 27,859.17 27,746.94 28,354.52


As we can see, the Return of Investment or ROI of this is about 13.42% in six months that is almost impossible to get with just your savings account. For clarifications, this is just an example. Consult with your bank for further inquiries and concerns.

Buy and Sell

If you are gifted with the ability to negotiate and sell, then this is probably the key for you. Nowadays, online purchasing is the norm and almost everyone does it. You can go and start with shoes, gadgets like cellphones, laptops, and then go up to cars, bulk of clothing and merchandise, to house and lots, etc. You start with something small, progress, and push yourself to end up and stay at something big.

The only risk here is fraud; be careful because a lot of people will try to fool you especially when transactions are done online. Be watchful, look for feedback, and communicate with the person to know if what you are dealing with is legitimate or not.


Belittling local and small business might be the biggest mistake you will ever take. Siomai King, a locally known siomai business can help you start selling steamed siomai for as low as Php15, 000. Dealership packages are mostly around Php10, 000 and an order of Php5, 000 (minimum) worth of ingredients. Inquire to their website and contact number for details here

Aside from siomai, you can also get started with handling a business that every Filipino loves – rice. For only Php20, 000, you can own your rice business; Bigasanko.com, a rice distributor can accompany you with that.

Read also: Businesses you can start for under Php 10, 000

Another good business to start is a fruit juice business. For only Php8, 000, you can make or order healthy, detoxifying fruit juices and sell it to the public. The company, GoodSense Juices, can accompany you with this kind of business.

There are a lot of businesses you can start with a little under Php20, 000. Find yours now!

As you can see, the Philippines is not a hyena-drenched pit of profit and businesses after all. There are a lot of businesses; a lot of investments you can make with your Php20, 000. Would you let others steal your shine? Research more and find out what you can do with the money that you have right now.

You may also want to read this: Best ways to earn money in the Philippines

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