During this time of quarantine, the call for internet work has been more demanding. The demand is the byproduct of restrictive health protocols and the threat of the quick transmission of COVID-19. Thankfully, however, job-hunting sites in the Philippines have started swarming the Filipino market.
No longer is today the era of having to go out to look for and attend job fairs. Now is the time for the utilization of more innovative job hiring. What better use could the internet for if not for this purpose during this time of pandemic?
However, there are only multitudes of options a person could choose from. Where can one even begin? We got you with this list of job-hunting sites PH.
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One of the more known, if not the most popular in this list of job-hunting sites PH, is Jobstreet. You may probably have heard of this site already because why not? It is one of the leading employment marketplaces in Asia.
A lot of professionals and fresh graduates alike have been hired, thanks to Jobstreet. The website features an interface that is easy to browse through. Similarly, Jobstreet offers more than 30,000 job postings.
Even during a rush, you can still look for jobs just by downloading their app. This is one of the newest additions that JobStreet is offering. Unlike before where you need to do it in a browser, you can now do it via the app!
You can download the app here: iOS and Android.
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Like everything on the internet, an account is required to start applying. A Jobstreet profile must also be created which is just similar to a resume. But uploading your own actual resume would be better when looking for a job.
The more than 30,000 job postings in Jobstreet include options ranging from customer service roles to the education sector. One can start by simply searching for jobs by title, skills, employment type, or industry.
Jobstreet also features salary matching in which you could input your desired salary. This is so you can tailor the job opportunities to your needs. Let’s continue on this list of job-hunting sites PH.
Kalibrr (Android & iOS)
Similar to Jobstreet, an account is also required before you can start applying. Not to mention, Kalibrr is also one of the most popular sites on job-hunting sites PH. It’s like the second-ranking job-hunting sites in the Philippines and it’s one that you can actually get without
The profile you create on Kalibrr reads like your own actual resume so be careful. This is what employers look for first thing once you send in an application.
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Thankfully, however, sending in an application on Kalibrr is pretty easy. Unlike how you would when you’re applying for a different job, no fuss required, just a click and your profile is sent to the employer. No more fancy cover letters and introduce yourself’s awkwardness.
Your Kalibrr homepage will also display recommended jobs based on your profile. Similarly, the homepage displays how many times employers have viewed your profile as well as messages sent to you.
Skill tests may also be taken on Kalibrr to further prove your validity.
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Continuing on with the list of job-hunting sites PH is Workabroad.ph. If you plan or desire to work overseas, Workabroad.ph is your best bet. Currently, there are 26,000 offshore jobs available on this site.
You may search and tailor the job opportunities to your liking. Searches can be made based on your specialization, qualifications, and salary demands. Sorting by country and looking for jobs with low application rates is also possible.
However, you can also finds jobs from agencies under the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA).
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Most opportunities here are for those in the healthcare, service, and food sectors. But opportunities from other industries may also be there, such as customer service, sales, marketing, and so on.
Workabroad.PH doesn’t have an app, unfortunately. So, all interested applicants would need to access it through its website (browser).
Freelancer (iOS & Android)
Freelancing is next on this list of job-hunting sites PH. If you feel like freelancing is for you, better visit Freelancer.com. As the name suggests, Freelancer.com offers freelancing opportunities from employers across the globe and in various sectors.
The job opportunities may range from virtual assistance, web design, video editing, accounting, and writing. However, if you feel undecided, per-project basis job opportunities are also available here to test the waters.
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Sort for opportunities by skills, expertise, or pricing. Then, place your bid for the vacancy and wait if the employer chooses you.
Payments can be via the online job site. For fixed projects, you will be charged 10% or $5, whichever is greater. For hourly projects, a 10% charge is deducted to your pay.
Freelancing has grown in popularity even before the pandemic started. How do you know what a freelancer is? In its simplest terms, it’s an employee of everyone – meaning, you’re self-employed and your’e not employed by just a single company.
Oftentimes, you’re employed by people.
If freelancing is not in your cards, let’s head onto the next few more job-hunting sites PH.
LinkedIn (iOS & Android)
If you have heard of Jobstreet, you have probably heard of this too. LinkedIn is one of the more popular sites on this list of job-hunting sites PH.
However, LinkedIn is not only just a job listing site. It is also a networking platform for professionals just like your normal social media platforms. You may also post articles and insights on LinkedIn as well as upload photos and connect with people.
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LinkedIn offers more than 700 million job postings from thousands of employers including big companies like Coca-Cola. You also have the power to filter jobs according to employment type, job title, experience level, and location.
A messaging feature is also available to make it easier to connect for employers. Not only that, but LinkedIn also offers helpful articles and video tutorials for you. LinkedIn Learning is also available wherein free or paid online courses cover almost about everything.
Bossjob is one of the lesser known sites here on job-hunting sites PH. Just like with everything else, an account and a resume are necessary to begin applying. The application process is fairly easy — just a click and your profile is sent to employers.
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Bossjob.ph features different job opportunities from technology roles to top management positions. Start searching for jobs by job title, location, industry, specialization, work experience, and salary. You can also sort out jobs from verified companies or remote positions.
Just like with the previous LinkedIn here on job-hunting sites PH, various helpful articles are provided. These will help you improve your job application.
BossPoints is a rewarding system featured on this site. There are various ways to earn points such as creating an account and whatnot. The points may be redeemed on Lazada, Grab vouchers, and movie tickets.
BossJob also doesn’t have an app – you need to utilize it from the web browser.
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Craigslist (iOS & Android)
Do not click off of this list of job-hunting sites PH just yet. Even with a questionable reputation, Craigslist offers good job opportunities. Just be careful and smart with choosing.
The site is also region-specific. Pages include areas of Bacolod, Bicol Region, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Manila, Pampanga, and Zamboanga.
UpWork is considered as one of the best and the most utilized freelance platform that people can use. It’s a website that is a collection of many different, and quite possible, remote jobs available in the market.
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Is it legit, if you may ask? Yes, it is 100% legitimate. The real catch here is that you have points “connects” that you need to utilize. Once your connects are all used up, you’d have to pay for new connects.
Connects are the ways in which you can find a job – or work for people. Without connects, you’ll only rely on invitations which happen at least 1 out of 30 times.
It’s considered and known as one of the best and the most useful job-hunting sites in PH because a lot of people already found success in it. Though its application process is not the typical, you’ll most often find foreign jobs there which can give you a higher and more lucrative pay than what you’re getting right now.
Facebook (iOS & Android)
Last on this list of job-hunting sites PH is Facebook. Facebook is not simply a social media platform to connect. It can also be a job-hunting site (thus it being on the list of job-hunting sites PH).
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With the smart utilization of tools on Facebook, job opportunities can pop up. There are many groups you can join for this purpose. Looking for job opportunities here feels less intimidating because it’s Facebook.
And that is the conclusion of this list of job-hunting sites PH. However, there are many more job opportunities that can be found not only here. There are more outside of this list of job-hunting sites PH.
These aren’t the only job-hunting sites in the PH that you can search. There are a lot more! In fact, if you’re a professional and you’re looking for different options on where you can find, gobble up on your LinkedIN account! People might be asking or sending you messages already there!
Source/s: Rappler