How to Know if Someone Unfriended you on Facebook

Do you wanna know if someone kicks you off their Facebook friends list? A browser extension called “Unfriend Notify for Facebook” makes it easier to find out if your friend has been removed you from the list. This works perfectly on google chrome browser, I haven’t tested yet to other browser, anyway lets proceed using google chrome.

To make it easy for you I’ll write down this step by step instructions including screenshots to know if someone unfriended you on Facebook. All you have to do is follow every single step below.

1. Add Unfriend Notify extension. First, you need to add “unfriend notify” in your browser, to do this, on your Chrome browser, go to the Chrome Web Store and search for Unfriend Notify for Facebook, then click the + FREE button at the right side of the extension. See the screenshot.How-to-know-whoo-unfriended-on-Facebook-Step-1

2. Confirm adding Unfriend Notify for Facebook Extension. A small popup window will appear when you click the +FREE button in step 1. Click “Add” to confirm, see the screenshotHow-to-know-who-unfriended-you-on-Facebook-Step-2

3. After you confirm adding the extension in your chrome browser, two small window will pop up at the upper right corner of the screen, First popup is a confirmation that the extension has been successfully added to your browser and the second is loading your friends list. Just wait until loading is finished. See the screenshot.How-to-know-who-unfriended-in-Facebook-Step-3

4. When loading is finished or smaller popup window disappears, open your Facebook account, then go to your friends list, you will now see a new link at the top says “Lost Friend” It will show all the people who have unfriended you since the last time you clicked that new link.How-to-know-if-someone-unfriended-on-facebook-Step-4

Another way to know if someone unfriended you on Facebook is using a third party website called “Who Deleted Me” when you arrived on the site, click “Login with Facebook” button to track who deleted you. Then wait for awhile they will send you an email if someone unfriended you or you added new friends.How-to-know-who-unfrinded-on-facebook-Step-5

Feel free to write your comments below if you have any suggestions, which is much easier  and better to know if someone unfriended you in Facebook.

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