2020 List of Philippine Mobile Number Prefixes: Know if a Number is Smart, Globe, TNT, TM, or SUN

Here in the Philippines, it’s not that easy to determine whether a number is from Globe, Smart, etc. Moreover, it’s actually going to depend on what the prefix is. It is important because if you’re using load or credits without a promotion, it will consume more than a peso from your load. Whereas if you know the number and if you’re aware of the provider, you can decide to avail a promotion to save you load. But the same question remains: How do you know if a number is Smart, Globe, TNT, TM, or Sun?

Why is it important to know from which provider a certain number is from?

Other than the credits, it’s also important to understand that a certain number might be from a different provider and that could cause intermittence in the connection. In addition, it will also be helpful for you to determine whether you need a promotion or you can just use raw credits.

Read: List of Globe Promos: Postpaid and Prepaid

Before, it just used to be Smart Communications and Globe Telecom. Now, there are extensions and additions to them.

Sun Cellular and Talk N’ Text are subsidiaries of Smart Communications. Meaning, if you have a Smart number and you contact them, the amount you need is the same as what you need to contact a Smart subscriber.

Touch Mobile (TM), however, is an extension of Globe. The same rules apply so you don’t need to worry about spending more if you are a Globe subscriber and if you want to contact a TM number. Cherry Mobile Telecom has recently been a part of Globe so it’s technically under one company.

In addition to those, there are also new additions in the game namely: ABS-CBN Mobile, Extelcom, and Next Mobile. Now since these are new players in the telecom industry, we need a bit of information first for us to be sure whether these are under Globe or Smart.

How do I know if a number is Smart, Globe, TM, or SUN?

Although most of us have some sort of an idea on whether a certain number is from a specific provider, it’s still useful to have like a list of the numbers an which provider they are under. With the years of having mobile phones, it’s kind of a simple task to determine whether a number is from Globe, Smart, ABS CBN, etc.

Read: How to Avail Smart Internet Promo

Here’s the list of prefixes and which provider they belong to:

PrefixMobile Network
0813 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0817 networkGlobe or TM
0905 networkGlobe or TM
0906 networkGlobe or TM
0907 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0908 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0909 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0910 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0911 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0912 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0913 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0914 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0915 networkGlobe or TM
0916 networkGlobe or TM
0917 networkGlobe or TM
0918 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0919 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0920 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0921 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0922 networkSun Cellular
0923 networkSun Cellular
0924 networkSun Cellular
0925 networkSun Cellular
0926 networkGlobe or TM
0927 networkGlobe or TM
0928 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0929 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0930 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0931 networkSun Cellular
0932 networkSun Cellular
0933 networkSun Cellular
0934 networkSun Cellular
0935 networkGlobe or TM
0936 networkGlobe or TM
0937 networkABS-CBN Mobile
0938 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0939 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0940 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0941 networkSun Cellular
0942 networkSun Cellular
0943 networkSun Cellular
0944 networkSun Cellular
0945 networkGlobe or TM
0946 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0947 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0948 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0949 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0950 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0951 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0955 networkGlobe or TM
0956 networkGlobe or TM
0965 networkGlobe or TM
0966 networkGlobe or TM
0967 networkGlobe or TM
0970 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0973 networkExtelcom
0974 networkExtelcom
0975 networkGlobe or TM
0977 networkGlobe or TM
0978 networkNext Mobile
0979 networkNext Mobile
0981 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0989 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0992 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0994 networkGlobe or TM
0995 networkGlobe or TM
0996 networkCherry Mobile
0997 networkGlobe or TM
0998 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text
0999 networkSmart or Talk N’ Text

Group by Mobile Network

Smart Communications:

  • 0813 network
  • 0900 network
  • 0907 network
  • 0908 network
  • 0909 network
  • 0910 network
  • 0911 network
  • 0912 network
  • 0913 network
  • 0914 network
  • 0918 network
  • 0919 network
  • 0920 network
  • 0921 network
  • 0928 network
  • 0929 network
  • 0930 network
  • 0931 network
  • 0938 network
  • 0939 network
  • 0940 network
  • 0946 network
  • 0947 network
  • 0948 network
  • 0949 network
  • 0950 network
  • 0951 network
  • 0970 network
  • 0971 network
  • 0980 network
  • 0981 network
  • 0989 network
  • 0992 network
  • 0998 network
  • 0999 network

Globe Telecom

  • 0817 network
  • 0905 network
  • 0906 network
  • 0915 network
  • 0916 network
  • 0917 network
  • 0926 network
  • 0927 network
  • 0935 network
  • 0936 network
  • 0937 network
  • 0975 network
  • 0977 network
  • 0994 network
  • 0995 network
  • 0996 network
  • 0997 network

Sun Cellular

  • 0922 network
  • 0923 network
  • 0924 network
  • 0925 network
  • 0931 network
  • 0932 network
  • 0933 network
  • 0934 network
  • 0941 network
  • 0942 network
  • 0943 network
  • 0944 network

ABS CBN Mobile:

  • 0937 network

Cherry Mobile:

  • 0996 network

Next Mobile:

  • 0978 network
  • 0979 network


  • 0973 network
  • 0974 network

That’s the list of the prefixes of Philippine telecommunication providers. Now, you’re not stuck in asking the question how do I know if a number is Smart, Globe, TM, or SUN? You now have the answer. With this list, you can now be carefree when you’re to contact someone to see if you’re from the same provider.

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