More than A Year Since I Quit my Job

Today, 6th of October 2014, its exactly One year and 1 month since I quit my job. To all of you that don’t know me, I am Efren Nolasco a former OFW and the owner of this website. You can read more about me on the about page.

Last year when I took one of a tough decision in my life when I decided to quit my job, even my employer offered an increase to my current salary I didn’t take their offer.

I quit my Job

Reasons why I quit my job

I want to work near my family. Working everyday far from your love ones is one of the most difficult sacrifice of a worker abroad. Seeing your family once a year or two years is not enough to fulfill all the days that you’re not with them. You missed a lot of bonding and quality time with them, worst if you have a child when you left, when you came back he/she don’t know you. I don’t want this to happen to me, that’s why I quit my job.

I learn how to blog. I started blogging on December 2012 by the encouragement of my colleague, this also the time when I registered this domain, during that time I don’t know what topic or niche should I focus and write, so I decided to register my name as my domain so that I can post everything I want.

But, some of my colleagues in the dormitory where I reside are always asking to fix some basic internet and computer problems, I decided to write how-to guides article and refer to them when they’re asking for help. Also, I am an IT graduate and I have also interest on the latest Tech on the market, that’s why you will notice that the majority of the post are focused on the latest tech and how-to guides for beginner.

I know that there are huge potential of blogging, that someday I will earn enough to quit my job and be my own boss. September 2013 when I have fully decided to quit my job and focus on blogging.

Benefits of Blogging

In the past year of blogging, I wanted to share some benefits of blogging that I know everyone would like, take a look what I listed below.

  • In blogging, I can work anytime, anywhere as long as I am connected on the internet.
  • I don’t have bosses that will shout at me when I don’t finish the task given to me.
  • No pressure of the coming deadline, that I should work overtime to finish the project on time and make my client happy.
  • I can take my day off in any days I want.
  • I don’t have to wake up early to work in the office.
  • I can take a vacation as long as I want
  • The most important to me, I can work near to my family
  • Etc.

But despite of all the benefits of blogging, I mentioned above why only few people engage in this kind of job. Maybe all of you would wonder that blogging is only for people with more knowledge in computer.

I want to make it clear, blogging is for everyone with passion, patience and willing to wait for the result. If you decide to blog, consider it as your business. Like every business you must have a mission and a plan for your mission to achieve. You must also have a vision for your business that someday you will achieve all your goal.

How much do I earn in blogging?

This is the question maybe all of you were asking, can blogging replace my current income? The answer is yes! But you can’t make it overnight. In order to make money on your blog you need a visitor or traffic. In order to have visitors, you must have a good content. A good content according to google is post topics your followers or readers want to read and know about.

To inspire everyone of you I will share my one year total earnings after I quit my job and I’m happy for my decision I make. In this website I make this total amount of money from September 30, 2013 to September 30, 2014.

  • Adsense = $ 7, 420.35
  • = $ 1, 182.74
  • Infolinks = $ 651.18

Total: $9, 254.27 = Php 388, 000+ or equal to 32, 000+ monthly depending on the currency rate.

This is only from 3 ad network that give me good results, I didn’t include some ad networks that give me low income. I know that if you have a good job this is not a good number compare to your salary, but if you compare it to the basic salary in the Philippines, I think it’s double despite of working from home and no boss.

To maximize my earning potential, I make additional websites (,,, that I know in the future will also give me additional revenue.

To give you some idea of the potential available on blogging, I will list down below the top 5 blogs based on monthly income according to income diary.

RankWebsiteMonthly Earnings
1The Huffington Post$30,000,000
3Copy Blogger$3,000,000

Now to help other people, I will make a simple tutorial in my future post how to build a website or blog and how to get visitor to make money from your website. If you’re interested to know more about blogging, please follow me on twitter, Facebook or sign up for my newsletter.

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