Most Common Requirements by Employers in the Philippines

You may think that graduation marks the end chapter of your hardships in life but you are mistaken – Graduation only starts your real life and you should be fully prepared for it. Having yourself employed is a tough job, finishing all the requirements on time is another. For starters, here are the basic and the most important legal documents that your employer will ask from you.

GSIS (Government Service Insurance System)

This document is for government employees only. Having a GSIS ensures all government employees to avail for benefits, loans, retirement, death, sickness benefits. Every pay, a certain amount will be deducted from the beneficiary’s salary depending on the amount of the salary.

SSS (Social Security System)

Like the GSIS, SSS members are also required to have deductions on their salary depending on how much the salary is. This strand of the nation is for the non-government worker. Fresh graduates or first time employees can secure a Social Security Number online for them to pass it to their respective employers if they are asked for it. Members also have the assurance for sickness, deaths, loans, and retirement benefits.

Read: How to get SSS number

NBI (National Bureau of Investigation)

Certain companies often ask for the NBI or Police Clearance to know that you are a legal citizen and that you do not have any criminal records or that if you have disobeyed the laws and regulations of our country. The NBI Clearance can be processed online (set an appointment) and then from there, it is easy as pie.

Read: How to apply for NBI clearance online


PhilHealth is our country’s health insurance program. Just like the SSS, PhilHealth deducts a certain amount on your salary every payday which is proportionate to how much you earn. Contributions can then give you benefits of loans and as well as it subsidizes your hospital bills (if in any case you or any of your beneficiaries get hospitalized. You can get your PhilHealth by accomplishing the PhilHealth application form from your employer or online.

Read: How to register on PhilHealth Online

Pag-IBIG or Home Developmental Mutual Fund (HDMF)

Pag-IBIG is not something that has to do with love. Pag-IBIG is the Home Developmental Mutual Fund (HDMF) and it is a Philippine government owned corporation that give out loans for housing of contributors. Just like PhilHealth, they also deduct a certain amount on your salary depending on how much the salary is. You can get your Pag-IBIG number online without hassle.

Read: How to become a member of Pag-IBIG Fund

Medical Certificate

The medical certificate is your pass to prove that you are physically capable of undergoing training for a certain job. One of the main responsibilities of the employer is to ensure that the employee is under good condition to work for the company. The medical certificate is often required in most companies and they are usually paid by the employer.

TIN (Tax Identification Number)

As all of you know, all workers are required to pay taxes in which the TIN plays its role. If you are a first time employee, getting a hold of your TIN should not be your problem because it will be the employer’s duty to give you one – they’ll be the one to process it and they’ll be the one giving it to you in the form of adding it to your payslip details. But getting one is not much of a hassle either, you can visit the nearest branch near you and pass certain documents there.

Read: How to get BIR Tax Identification Number Online

Birth Certificate

This should be one of the obvious, of course, employers may need some kind of proof of your identifications and your NSO/PSA-certified birth certificate is one strong proof of that. You can get a hold of your birth certificate online nowadays which should not be a problem for you.

Read: How to get NSO/PSA Birth Certificate online

These are a few but the most important documents that employers may ask from you prior to you being fully part of their company. This should not be a hassle because most can be accomplished online. Worry not because your employment will not be at risk even if you fail to pass all of these on time – just make sure you do so.

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