Must Have Software for your Business

Our times now demand most of its work from technology or the advancements that we have. Technology has become the norm; it is designed in order for people to perform less effort but to yield greater and much more successful results. Even in business, there are tools that we can use for the betterment of it. In this article, we will be listing the essentials that business owners need for the flourishing of their business.


DropBox is an online storage center that lets you store files and access them in any device whenever you need it. It is somewhat like Google Drive wherein you can share and collaborate with other people across the globe for projects, documents, etc. You can send files which others can be a part of and wherein you and other people can contribute their work. It is an online file organizer that gives you the ability to share files with other users with ease, you can create personalized folders and you can save things accordingly.

Read: How to get up to 42 GB Free online storage


Imagine having a credit card machine right inside your pocket, that would be great, right? If you are running a business that involves selling or products, you might want to have this program because a lot of businesses fail to produce profit due to customer’s lack of physical money. With Square, you can no longer think of that and you can just accept and accept orders even if they cannot present you with physical money.


Most small businesses today possess blogs in order to support the side of the note-taking segment. If you have been living under a rock, blogs are stories, articles, or any piece of literature whose main goal is to share and spread information, a moment, or any piece of advice you can give viewers. WordPress is a website dedicated to these types of things and an app that does the same. Web design and mobile ready, WordPress is definitely your bread and butter if you plan on journaling your business.

Read: How to create website in three steps

Google Analytics

Given all of our advancements, it is quite clear that even the smallest of businesses have their online bodies now and with business, it is all about the numbers. Google Analytics is the software that would keep track of the traffic that your website has, where the traffic is coming from. The software uses accurate and easy-to-understand graphs so that even the not-so-tech savvy people can properly comprehend with it.

These are the basic stuff you have to have if you are running a small business. Whatever nature of the business may be, these are essentials so be sure to grab a software in order to maximize and to efficiently work on your business.

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