The Department of Justice (DOJ) announces that the applicant for NBI clearance can fill out the Application Form and pay online through the help of accredited banks and Bayad Centers. The NBI online registration system aims to eliminate the long lines and chaos of applicants every time they need an NBI clearance.
Although the system is not completely online because you still need to appear personally in NBI office for photo and fingerprint capture, still it shortens the process of getting NBI clearance. In the old system or if you apply in the NBI Office you have 6 steps to complete to get the clearance; Fill-up Form > Data Check > Payment > Encoding > Data Entry > Photo & Fingerprint Capture > Clearance Printing.
If you use the Online registration system you have only 3 steps to complete; Online Registration, Appointment and e-Payment > Photo & Fingerprint Capture > Clearance Printing. It eliminates the three steps where you need to fall in line and wait for your turn.
All NBI Clearance applicants are advised to register online and have their appointment date before going to NBI Branch.
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In this tutorial I will show you the steps on how to apply for NBI clearance online, I assume that you are a first-time user or a new applicant.
How to set an Appointment for NBI Clearance Online
Step 1. Register an Account
1. Go to NBI official website and on the right part of the screen you will see a Register as new Account section, tick the “No” checkbox to register as a new account, then fill out the form with your name and a valid email address, confirmation will be sent in this email.
2. After you fill out the form with your personal info, read and agree to the Terms of Service by ticking the “I accept the Terms of Service” checkbox located at the bottom of the form, then hit the Sign Up button.
3. Confirm that the information you entered is correct by clicking “Yes”
Step 2. Login and Fill out the Application Form
1. Login to NBI Clearance website using the email and password that you provide earlier.
2. Now that you’re inside the system, you can fill out the application form completely, make sure that all info you entered is correct. Click “Save Information” if you’re done.
Step 3. Double-check and Apply
1. Double-check again all the info you entered, make sure that all are correct to avoid future problems, you can easily edit if you find errors using “Edit Information” on the right side. If everything OK select “Apply for Clearance” button.
2. After you click “Apply for Clearance” button small confirmation window will pop up, confirm by entering the type of ID to be presented then click “I Agree” button.
3. Important reminders will appear, make sure to read and understand then click Okay.
Step 4. Set an Appointment
The next step is to set an appointment, Select NBI Branch, Choose the date, and select the purpose and purpose detail. The amount will automatically appear after you complete the selection and take note of the additional service charge.
Step 5. Select Payment Options
1. To complete the transaction you need to select the payment option. Available options are Banks (Over the counter), Banks (Online), Mobile Payment, and Bayad Center. Select the most convenient payment option for you, follow the instructions how to pay then proceed to payment.
2. Read the Payment reminder then click “Proceed”
Step 5. Make a Payment and Confirm
1. Review the Payment transactions summary, then “Proceed to Payment”
2. After choosing the payment option and completing the details, you will see a confirmation page.
Step 6. Verify Appointment
Now to verify the status of your NBI Clearance application, go to the Transactions tab, Click the “Payment Instruction” on the actions section to see the procedure for how to pay, it will depend on your selected payment options.
That’s it you’re now successfully applied for NBI clearance online and set an appointment. Don’t forget the following; 2 valid ID’s, Printed NBI clearance application with a reference code, and follow the appropriate dress code allowed in the NBI Clearance Outlets.
When you arrive at the NBI office of your choice inform the NBI personnel that you already applied online and if you’re lucky that your name was not “Hit” you can get your clearance after a few minutes. If your name was “Hit” you have no choice but to wait for a week to clear your name.
Disclosure: I am not affiliated with the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) if you have problems or questions about the system, these are the official NBI contact numbers; GLOBE: 09179999421 / 09179999418, SMART: 09204129999 / 09995699964, please note that you can contact them during Working Days Only (9am-5pm)
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