Over 4000+ Job Opportunities In New Zealand

Do you have plans of applying for a job in New Zealand? But the problem of knowing if a certain agency has the capability of directing you to a specific company is arising? If this is the case, then you should not worry! According to the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA), New Zealand just released their need of over 4000+ employees. Furthermore, there are jobs that offer up to Php100, 000.00 pesos of monthly income.

Although the country released a specific field, Filipinos are definitely up for this job! Aside from the fact that we can brag about knowledge, we can also wave the flag for experience in the field.

Read: New Zealand waives Visa application fee for Filipino visitors

As per New Zealand, the following types of work are currently in-demand:

Construction Field

  • Carpentry (1, 928 workers)
  • Masonry (499)
  • Farm workers (427)
  • Fitter tyre/tech (397)
  • Scaffolder (361)
  • Driver (329)
  • Pipe fitter/worker (309)
  • Machine operator (226)
  • Painter (201)
  • Laborer (167)
  • Auto tech (100)

As you can see, thousands of construction jobs are open. Moreover, if you think that the salaries of these jobs can be demanded here, think again. Let’s take a construction worker for example. Just to be clear, we just want to compare the salaries of jobs here in the Philippines and there in New Zealand.

A construction worker here in our country doesn’t earn that much and we can’t argue about that. However in New Zealand, a carpenter can earn up to 2, 400 NZD (New Zealand Dollar) every month! If we convert it into our own currency, that’s around Php89, 000.00! So what do you think about that? Not yet satisfied? Well a laborer in New Zealand can earn up to NZD 3, 520. Conversion? Well, that’s just Php131, 000.00 a few thousand shy from Php150, 000.00 which is better than a salary of managers here in our country.

Read: How to Check Job Order Online on POEA Website

In addition to this great news by the POEA, New Zealand is still in the process of rehabilitation after a life-changing earthquake hit their country in 2011.

Furthermore, the POEA is observing a few lethal points before a certain employee is interested in the jobs available. For example, it is imperative that a worker is not below 3-year experience if they’re planning to apply. This is to justify experience and professionalism in the job they’re about to take.

Although this is the case, the Philippine Association of Service Exporters Incorporated (PASEI), reports that they call each and every employer an employee worked for. What they do is they ask about the employees skill, behavior, and overall work ethics. This is to ensure that the employee they are about to get is of good moral and trustworthy. PASEI added that applicants should be willing to wait because it can take up to 3 months before an applicant successfully boards the profession.

Although that is the case, the best and possibly the most beneficial thing about it is that there is no placement fee. Meaning, the employee doesn’t have any problems in terms of finances because he/she is not obliged to pay for any additional fees except for the passport and VISA of course. In addition, if a worker gets approved, the worker can then bring their whole family in New Zealand and start a good, new life there.

What do you think about this great news? Aren’t you interested with this? If you think you have the capability to work in the construction field, why not take the shot now? Who knows, maybe that’s the next chapter written on your book.

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Source: ABS-CBN

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