Pag-IBIG Housing Loan: Everything you need to Know

Pag-IBIG aka Home Developmental Mutual Fund (HDMF) is a governmental institution that provides affordable housing plans for Filipinos. This program would be treated as a loan to suffice the needs in order for a member to borrow money to build a new home. Moreover, this would mean that the borrower would have a housing loan with the funds from Pag-IBIG for him to purchase or build a new home. In addition to acquiring houses, they also have different types of loans and programs that members can take advantage of. In this article, we will be providing everything you need to apply for a Pag-IBIG Housing Loan 2022

Read: 3 Main Benefits of Pag-IBIG Fund Membership

Pag-IBIG or HDMF is one of the main contributors to why your salary is not what you’re expecting. Kidding aside, you give contributions to HDMF in every payout you have. This is for you to become eligible in applying the benefits you have in terms of Pag-IBIG membership. If you’re looking to apply for a housing loan, a member needs to have contributed with Pag-IBIG for an amount of time before the application.


What instances can a member apply for a housing loan?

Not all HDMF members are aware that housing loans is not just for you to purchase a house. You can use an HDMF loan not just to purchase a house but also to:

  • Acquire a property currently in mortgage with PagIBIG;
  • Purchase a foreclosed property now in the ownership of PagIBIG;
  • Buy a brand new house and lot or other newly constructed properties;
  • To purchase an existing residential house and lot, townhouse, or a condominium unit;
  • Buy a fully furnished and developed residential lot or adjoining lots (not exceeding 1,000 square meters);
  • To refinance an existing housing loan; and
  • Spend on home improvements or to construct a residential unit on a lot owned by you

These are the instances when your housing loan is valid and feasible. If your intention is outside of this, save yourself time and effort by applying for an HMDF housing loan.

How do I qualify for a Pag-IBIG Housing Loan?

Well first and foremost, the main requirement is that you need to be a Filipino citizen.

1. Pag-IBIG Membership

You must be an active Pag-IBIG member with at least 24 monthly contributions. If you haven’t reached 24 contributions, you may make a lump-sum payment to meet this requirement. For Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), Pag-IBIG offers flexible payment options to meet the contribution requirement.

2. Age Requirement

  • You must be at least 18 years old and not older than 65 years old at the time of loan application.
  • Additionally, the loan term should not exceed 70 years old at the time of loan maturity.

3. Capacity to Pay

You must demonstrate stable income or the capacity to repay the loan. This can be shown through:

  • Employment (locally or abroad for OFWs).
  • Business income for self-employed individuals.
  • Income documents such as payslips, ITRs, or certificates of income.

4. Good Credit Standing

You should have a good credit history, meaning you should not have any unpaid or unresolved Pag-IBIG loans or any negative credit record with other financial institutions.

5. Legal Capacity

You must be legally able to acquire property, which means you must have full legal capacity to enter into a contract.

6. Property Requirements

The property you wish to buy, build, or improve with the Pag-IBIG housing loan should be:

  • Residential in nature (house and lot, condominium, townhouse, etc.).
  • Located in the Philippines.
  • For construction or purchase, the property should be free from encumbrances or legal issues.

7. Other Conditions

If you have an existing Pag-IBIG housing loan, you must settle it first before applying for another loan, or the loan may be used for property upgrades or refinancing if applicable. You may also apply jointly with a spouse or co-borrower, provided they meet the eligibility criteria.

Read: How to Check Your Pag-IBIG Monthly Contributions and Loan Payments History?

Now that you know who are eligible and what scenarios are, let’s now get into detail unto what requirements and things you need to prepare.

What are the Requirements for Pag-Ibig Housing Loan

  • Pag-IBIG Housing Loan Application Form;
  • Proof of Income;
  • Fees for processing, application, etc.;

Documentation requirements for the loan would be:

  • The Pag-IBIG Housing Loan Application Form
  • Identification (ID) photo of both the borrower and co-borrower in the application form;
  • Membership Status Verification Slip
  • Photocopy of one (1) valid ID (back-to-back) of Principal Borrower and Spouse, Co-Borrower and Spouse, Seller and Spouse and Developer’s Authorized Representative and Attorney-In-Fact, if for purchasing an owned property;
  • Certified True Copy of Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) of the property. For Condo Units, however, present the TCT of the land and Certified True Copy of the Condominium Certificate of Title (CCT);
  • Latest and updated Tax Declaration of the property;
  • Photocopy of latest receipt for Real Estate Tax (Amilyar);
  • Contract-to-Sell or similar agreement between the buyer and seller;
  • Vicinity Map/Sketch of the Property

Now not all of those might be required because the verification slip and application form with photo are just the requirements before; the following are just extra documentation to ensure the approval of your loan so better to prepare them as well.

Proof of Income requirements

If a government employee:

  • Certified One to Two-Month Payslip within the last three (3) months prior to date of loan application;
  • Latest Income Tax Return (ITR) preceding the date of the loan application

If an employee:

  • Notarized Certificate of Employment and Compensation. This should be indicating the gross monthly income and monthly allowances or monthly monetary benefits received by the employee;
  • The latest Income Tax Return for the year preceding the date of the loan application. Would be better if it comes with an attachment of BIR Form No. 2316, stamp-received by the BIR;
  • Certified One to Two-Month Payslip, within the last three (3) months prior to date of loan application

If self-employed/Other sources of income besides employment:

  • Income Tax Return (ITR); (Audited Financial Statements; and Official Receipt of tax payment from bank supported with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Registration along with Mayor’s Permit/Business Permit)
  • Bank Statements or passbook for the last 12 months (in case income is sourced from foreign remittances, pensions, etc.);
  • Copy of Lease Contract and Tax Declaration (if profit or income is from rental payments/Real Estate business);
  • Certified True Copy of Transport Franchise issued by appropriate government agency (LGU for tricycles, LTFRB for other PUVs);
  • Certificate of Engagement issued by the owner of business;
  • Commission Vouchers reflecting the issuer’s name and contact details (for the last 12 months);
  • Other sources or documents that would validate the source of income

If you are an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW), you may submit any of the following:

  • Employment Contract must be in the English Language
  • Original Employer’s Certificate of Income (should also be in English); If document submitted is photocopy, it shall be duly certified/initiated by the Pag-IBIG Fund Information Officer assigned in the country where the member works;
  • Other Proofs of Income that would clearly state the income of the OFW. Whether original or photocopy, it shall be duly certified/initiated by Pag-IBIG Fund Information Officer in the country where the OFW is currently working;
  • For OFWs, Special Power of Attorney notarized prior to date of departure or duly certified and authenticated by the Philippines Embassy or Consulate in the country where the member is staying; if the SPA is submitted without the Red Ribbon of the Consulate Office, they must have it duly stamped notarial seal.
  • Certified True Copy of Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) – from Registry of Deeds.
  • Birth Certificate of or any proof of relationship, ONLY IF co-borrower/s or family member/s are included on the computation of aggregate income.
  • Marriage Contract (for all married borrowers, co-borrower/s, spouse, family member/s included on the computation of aggregate income)

OFWs can submit any of those along with what a normal Filipino working in the Philippines need to submit. For all of the OFWs interested, ensure to submit at least two to three of the following documents to be sure.

Additional Requirements For OFWs

The Pag-IBIG might ask for other requirements so you need to keep in touch with them. They might ask extra like the following:

  • Valid OWWA Membership Certificate;
  • Passport with appropriate visa (working visa, of course);
  • Payslip indicating income received and period covered;
  • Bank remittance record;
  • Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC);
  • Residence card/permit (permit to stay indicating work as the purpose);
  • Professional License issued by Host Country/Government

Pag-IBIG Housing Loan Fees

When applying for a Pag-IBIG housing loan, the following fees apply:

  1. Processing Fee: ₱1,000 (₱500 upon application and ₱500 upon loan approval).
  2. Appraisal Fee: ₱2,000 (Metro Manila) or ₱2,500 (outside Metro Manila).
  3. Mortgage Registration Fee: Varies, based on property value.
  4. Notarial Fee: Around ₱200 to ₱500.
  5. Insurance Premiums: Includes Mortgage Redemption Insurance (MRI) and Fire Insurance, added to your monthly amortization.
  6. Other Charges: Includes taxes, documentary stamps, and other incidental fees related to property transfer.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

I am an OFW or I know who is an OFW who is over 60 years of age, what are the requirements for me to file a successful HDMF Housing Loan application?

Borrowers over 60 years old who are asking for a loan between Php2 million and Php6 million as well:

  • Health Statement Form (Medical Questionnaire); and
  • Result of the medical examination conducted prior to the assignment overseas; this should come easy as employment agencies require this.

Say you submit your application and it gets approved. Upon loan approval before the loan release, what documentation are you required to submit?

1. Both the Registry of Deeds’ and owner’s duplicate copy of TCT/CCT in the name of the borrower/co-borrower/s with proper mortgage annotation in favor of the Pag-IBIG HDMF;

2. Latest tax declaration (House and Lot) and Real Estate Tax Receipt in the name of the borrower/co-borrower/s;

3. Loan Mortgage Documents, including:

  • Disclosure Statement on Loan Transaction;
  • Duly accomplished/notarized Promissory Note;
  • Loan and Mortgage Agreement duly registered with Registry of Deeds with original RD stamp; and
  • Deed of Absolute Sale duly registered with Registry of Deeds with original RD stamp;

What if I bought a property from a developer, association, or corporation?

  • One (1) valid ID of the Corporate Secretary and Authorized Signatory of the developer;
  • License to Sell; and
  • Secretary’s Certificate on the Authorized Signatory of the Developer or Corporation or Association;

These are the things you need to take note of if you’re looking to apply for a Pag-IBIG Housing Loan in all scenarios whether you’re locally employed, self-employed/business owner, and an OFW.

Things to remember in applying for Pag-IBIG Housing Loan

  1. Ensure that in documentation submission, you have two (2) to three (3) copies of the documents secured in one envelope. This way, submitting won’t be confusing.
  2. Keep a checklist of the things you need to submit this is why this post is relevant so you can compile everything in one go.
  3. Have the confidence that your application will be approved, hope and pray.
  4. Secure the original and photocopies of each document you are going to submit. Have at least three (3) photocopies of it.

Always ask and inquire if you’re unsure; you can ask Pag-IBIG using the contact page.

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6 thoughts on “Pag-IBIG Housing Loan: Everything you need to Know”

    • Meron po Sir, May ginawa po kami step-by-step instructions paano mag register sa SSS official website, pwede po sundan dito =>

  1. sir for example i am interested to buy a property… a PAGIBIG foreclosed property near my area. what should i do now?

  2. What if gusto ko maghousing loan sa pag.ibig to construct a house in own lot,but that lot was under my parents name?..and we only have a tax declaration,we dont have an land title?

  3. you must have a special power of attorney came from pagibig office and have it notarized. the SPA states their that the lot owner acknowledge that the lot is to be part as collateral of the applied loan with his/her knowledge and consent.


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