Pag IBIG Online Registration: Complete step-by-step Guide

The Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) or Pag-IBIG Fund is a government-owned corporation responsible for giving affordable housing loans to its members. Before you can avail of the benefits, like any other institution you will need to become a member first. Employees are required to become member and it is one of the requirements of the employer, to submit the Pag-IBIG account every time they hire a new employee.

If you don’t have Pag-IBIG MID number, you will need to register online to get the number. We will walk you through every step in the Pag-Ibig online registration in this article, all you have to do is follow every step that you can see below.

Pag-Ibig Online registration step-by-step guide

Step 1: Access the Pag-Ibig Website

The first step is to go to the Pag-IBIG Online membership registration page. You will arrive on a page where you need to enter your name and birthdate like the screenshot that you can see below. Click Submit to continue.

Pag-Ibig online registration step 1

Step 2: Personal Information

Next you will need to complete your personal information which includes your parent’s name that include in member info tab.

In the other info tab of the Pag-IBIG online membership registration page, you will need to supply the place of your birth, citizenship, civil status, height, weight, etc.

Step 3: Address and Contacts

Next is the address, if your current address is different from your permanent address, you may need to indicate in the section. Enter your contact numbers in the contact tab.

Step 4: Beneficiaries

In the heirs tab, add the name of your relative, if you are married you can add your spouse. In case something happens to you they will receive the benefits.

Step 5: Member Category

Select the member category, if you select employed, enter the employer name, date employed, occupation title, your employment status, etc.

If you were previously employed, you can add your employer in the Emp. History section, you can leave it if you’ve nothing to add.

Step 6: Confirmation

In the summary section it will ask for your confirmation to all the information that you entered before clicking the “Submit Registration” button.

Step 7: Successful Registration

Once the registration is successful you will arrive at the “Successful Registration Page”. Read the instructions carefully, the number that you get is the Registration Tracking Number (RTN) only. You will get your permanent Pag-IBIG ID number after 2 working days but you can use the RTN while waiting for the permanent ID number.

After 2 working days, you can verify your Pag-IBIG ID number thru text by sending the RTN number and your birthdate in this format.

IDSTAT<space>[RTN]<space><Birthdate MM/DD/YYYY>
Example: IDSTAT 912345678925 12/15/1982

Send To

0917 888 4363 for Globe and Touch Mobile subscribers
0918 898 4363 for Smart and Talk N Text subscribers

We hope this instruction helps you to register for Pag IBIG online registration and enjoy the benefits of this institution later when you need it.

Advantages of having Pag-IBIG online account

Having a Pag-IBIG online account offers numerous advantages, making it easier and more convenient to manage your transactions. Here are the key benefits:

1. Convenient Access to Services

You can easily access various Pag-IBIG services such as checking your contributions, applying for loans, and viewing your loan status anytime, without the need to visit a physical branch.

2. Loan Application and Status Monitoring

With an online account, you can apply for housing or multi-purpose loans online and track the progress of your application in real-time.

3. Contribution Tracking

Members can quickly check and monitor their Pag-IBIG contributions, ensuring that payments are up-to-date and accurate.

4. Payment History

You can view a detailed breakdown of your payment history for loans and contributions, which helps in managing your finances and ensuring compliance.

5. Faster and Paperless Transactions

Using the Pag-IBIG online platform eliminates the need for paper documents and physical visits, making the process faster, more efficient, and eco-friendly.

By having a Pag-IBIG online account, you can enjoy a hassle-free experience managing your Pag-IBIG contributions and loans, all from the comfort of your home.

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